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Understanding Some Key Concepts in Fertility Treatment, Including Egg Donation Matters

Fertility concepts and acronyms are complex matters and foreign to people who are not part of this world.
Ideally we need fertility for every one.
To help understand some basic concepts regarding fertility, some important terms have been noted: IVF or invitro fertilisation is the process of extracting eggs from the body and fertilising them outside of the body artificially and transferring them back into the body.
Artificial insemination (AI) is the process of transferring sperm into the body at the time of ovulation.
Ovulation is when the body releases the egg or eggs for fertilisation.
This can be monitored when fertility treatment is underway.
Egg donation is when donor eggs are required for people who cannot conceive with their own eggs.
People requiring this type of treatment are those in early menopause, premature ovarian failure (POF), gay people, people with poor ovarian reserves or inability to have their eggs fertilised.
Surrogacy is the process of one woman carrying a baby for another woman.
Two types of surrogacy are available.
Gestational surrogacy is the most common type of surrogacy where the woman merely offers her womb.
Traditional surrogacy involves the surrogate offering her eggs as well.
Once fertility treatment has completed, during the difficult 2WW (two week wait), the patient is awaiting the implantation of the embryo to confirm pregnancy.
This is a difficult time and pregnancy tests are typically done 12 days after embryo transfer.
The transfer of embryos is counted by the age of the embryo (a fertilised egg which starts to divide) and the days.
How far the fertility patient is into the 2WW is counted by the number of days post the transfer.
five days post a three day transfer is noted 5D3T.
The above represents a summary of basic concepts for people elmarking on fertility treatments.
baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Agency is an expert in egg donation and surrogacy solutions.
The short summary of fertility for all is designed to provide a quick concise update of relevant fertility aspects.
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