- Maidenhair fern, or Adiatum pedatum, grows in cultivated gardens and wild woodlands across Michigan. The fern grows throughout U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness hardiness zone 3, where it develops into clumps up to 2 feet wide.
- Ebony spleenwort, known botanically as Asplenium platyneuron, grows through southern Michigan in USDA plant hardiness zone 4. Gardeners successfully use the plant as a small border against rocky footpaths. Ebony spleenwort requires little maintenance once it is established, and it pairs well with spring-blooming trilliums.
- Marginal wood fern, or Dryopteris marginalis, provides gardeners with a large evergreen choice in shade gardens. It thrives in rich, well-composted soil in a spot protected from direct sunlight and wind.
- The hardy oak fern, or Gymnocarpium dryopteris, grows throughout USDA plant hardiness zone 2. It thrives in the acidic soils of northern Michigan. Many gardeners use this fern as ground cover or along pathways in bog gardens. The oak fern pairs well with cardinal flower and obedient plant.
Maidenhair Fern
Ebony Spleenwort
Marginal Wood Fern
Oak Fern