Ashtabula County Aquarium Club (ASHCO)
Meets every second Saturday of the month at Austinburg Township Hall. Website contains member fish photos.
Cleveland Aquarium Society
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month in the Education Building at the Cleveland Zoo
Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts (CAFE)
An Ohio non-profit organization. Their site contains a wealth of information - well worth spending time browsing!
Greater Akron Aquarium Society
"Our vision is to restore a missing piece of Cleveland’s cultural heritage and to help ensure enhanced respect and stewardship of water and its inhabitants."
Great Lakes Cichlid Society
An Ohio based organization dedicated to Cichlids. Members receive the monthly publication, The Cichlid Evening Post.
Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society
A Cincinnati Ohio club. Membership includes monthly meetings, publications, auctions, summer picnic, and a Christmas party.
Guppy Associates of Greater Cleveland
This club has residents from all around the Northeast Ohio area and Cleveland. GAGC is designed to educate and discuss different aspects of the guppy in the fish hobby. There is a speaker or a different topic on the guppy every month at our meetings.
Lorain County Aquarium Society
A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and enjoying the aquarium hobby in all its aspects. Meets the 3rd Friday of every month .
Miami Valley Watergarden Society
The Miami Valley Water Garden Society is a non-profit organization serving the greater Dayton, Ohio area founded to promote the hobby of water gardening and outdoor fish keeping, and to educate others about the same.
Medina County Aquarium Society
Meets on the 2nd Friday of the month at 8pm at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on Rt 18, just West of I-71 (across from Aldi's) in Medina Ohio. We have various activities at the meetings; usually a speaker or discussion, a bowl show, a raffle, a small auction of tropical fish, plants, or other aquarium supplies, refreshments, and a lot of time to talk fish. Visitors are welcome!
Youngstown Area Tropical Fish Society
YATFS is a non-profit hobby organization composed of local aquarists and dealers. It was founded in the spring of 1972 for the express purpose of promoting the science of exotic freshwater and saltwater fish and plants, assisting new hobbyists, encouraging the breeding and displaying of all aquatic life, and acquiring and dispensing aquatic knowledge and literature.
If you know of other Ohio aquarium clubs that are not on this list, please email with details. Thank you.
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