Health & Medical Body building

A How-To Guide For Six Pack Abs

Getting six pack abs is no mean feat, but in order to really get your abs as protruding and defined as possible, it's important that you are able to do the methods and techniques which work quickly and effectively.
We've found that there are a lot of poor quality tutorials out there, and we want to set the record straight with this one: Step 1 - Nutrition & Diet The first step to getting six pack abs is to get your diet under control.
Many people have stomach fat covering their abs, making it essential that you limit the amount of fat on your body.
And to do this, you need to make sure that your body has a "high metabolism" rate.
Metabolism is the mechanism inside your body which controls how much fat is kept on your arms, legs, stomach and neck.
The "higher" your metabolism, the less fat your body will store, allowing you to burn it off easier and quicker.
It's important to get a high metabolism so that you can burn off your body fat and reveal the abs underneath.
And do this, there are certain "rules" you need to follow:
  • Never eat the same amount (calories) of food each day.
    Vary it according to "Calorie Cycling" techniques.
    This will boost your metabolism
  • Eat only wholesome, nutritious food (no microwave meals or McDonald's)
  • Stick to eating 3 set meals a day & resist the temptation to snack on junk
  • Drink plenty of water (so you need to pee at least 3 times a day)
  • Make sure you eat breakfast as this will set your metabolism up well for the rest of the day.
You will also want to eat these kinds of foods:
  • Whole Grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Lots of protein
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Water
  • Milk (has calcium)
Step 2 - Exercise Once you have your diet under control, it's time to perform the exercises which are going to burn off your stomach fat and make your abs protrude.
There are a lot of exercises out there, but let me make it crystal clear that doing situps will not burn fat from your stomach.
The exercise routines you need to follow should fall into a pattern.
There are cardiovascular exercises (such as running, walking, swimming and cycling) which will burn fat.
These exercises are essential as a "foundation" for your abs.
The other set of exercises you need to do focus purely on building the abdominal muscles, including such exercises as sit ups, crunches and push ups.
Here are the typical exercises you should incorporate into your weekly routines: Fat Burning Exercises
  • Multi-Jointed cardio exercises (great for fat burning)
  • Running
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics classes
  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Anything that gets you "hot & sweaty"
Ab Toning Exercises
  • Sit ups
  • Crunches
  • Inclined Sit Ups
  • Russian Twists
  • Leg Thrusts
  • Lateral Pull-Downs
  • Kettle Bell Exercises
These exercises should be performed on different days in different amounts.
The number one 'secret' to getting more powerful and bigger abs, is that challenging your body is VITAL.
The more you are able to challenge your body each day, the more it will have to change and adapt to meet your requirements; and that's where more muscle definition comes in and fat burning takes place.
However, in order to see the most effective and fastest results, you need to be able to put all of these tips into a routine that works well to burn the most fat on your body and makes your abs more defined and protruding.
I have been able to discover what works and what doesn't in my own quest to grow my own six-pack and have put all the best secrets on my site.
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