Twitter is a place to tell people who want to know what you're doing, well, what you're doing.
Now I know that sounds a bit over-simplified, but it's the truth.
You've got to remember: "simple" is where you want to start.
Initially, your whole Twitter existence is going to be made up of trying to communicate what you are doing "right now" and reading up on others' "tweets" that you're following.
Let's talk about exactly how Twitter is set up, and then we can go over some of it's many benefits.
The basic premise of Twitter is that you have 140 characters (not words--characters) to tell anyone following you whatever you want.
You can do this live too, in "real-time".
So what that means is that you've got to be concise and to the point with your wording.
We're not asking people to read our novel, or even our whole blog post or anything like that.
You've got a few lines to get your point across, your question asked, etc.
You can send as many tweets as you want, just remember: brevity is king here, and the more interesting/entertaining the better.
The fact is, everyone from blue-collar workers to celebrities to political figures have already begun to build and/or cultivate their following here.
Novices get their questions immediately answered by experts eager to pad their reputations, and business empires have begun nearly overnight on Twitter.
"Yeah ok," you may be saying, "but what is Twitter going to do for me if once I inevitably jump aboard the bandwagon?".
Good question.
There's numerous ways that Twitter can benefit you right away.
Now I know that sounds a bit over-simplified, but it's the truth.
You've got to remember: "simple" is where you want to start.
Initially, your whole Twitter existence is going to be made up of trying to communicate what you are doing "right now" and reading up on others' "tweets" that you're following.
Let's talk about exactly how Twitter is set up, and then we can go over some of it's many benefits.
The basic premise of Twitter is that you have 140 characters (not words--characters) to tell anyone following you whatever you want.
You can do this live too, in "real-time".
So what that means is that you've got to be concise and to the point with your wording.
We're not asking people to read our novel, or even our whole blog post or anything like that.
You've got a few lines to get your point across, your question asked, etc.
You can send as many tweets as you want, just remember: brevity is king here, and the more interesting/entertaining the better.
The fact is, everyone from blue-collar workers to celebrities to political figures have already begun to build and/or cultivate their following here.
Novices get their questions immediately answered by experts eager to pad their reputations, and business empires have begun nearly overnight on Twitter.
"Yeah ok," you may be saying, "but what is Twitter going to do for me if once I inevitably jump aboard the bandwagon?".
Good question.
There's numerous ways that Twitter can benefit you right away.