I often wonder why people like newspapers with eye-catching layout and lots of images compared to ones with mainly descriptive stories.
Is that the reason why tabloids are read more vis-à-vis mainline papers? The point that troubles blog-writer like me is whether the readers find my blog readable.
I dont mean if my essays are all bones with no flesh to offer.
Okay, my blog is not a well-known entity.
Not many visitors drop in, though Im trying hard to increase eyeballs.
But whoever does come..
, does he/she find it a cozy corner to spend some time? Its difficult to hazard a guess, but Im increasingly feeling inclined to believe that the more there are other things in the blog, the more the chance is to retain my viewers.
What can these other things be? Will it be some song and dance video? Heavens no.
I cannot imagine entertaining my viewers that way if only because my blog is not about song and dance.
The quest therefore has to be within what is feasible for my blog.
I would like to have contents that concern about the subject I deal in, yet not too heavy or too attractive to warrant my viewers leaving in haste.
Until now the choice has been more toward having rss feeds of leading content churners embedded via a feed-reader.
An example is that of latest search engine news that Ive included in my Words2Content homepage through FeedBurner and Grazr (it sometimes works, sometimes not).
The advantage here is that you can choose the feed(s) you like, burn it through FeedBurner and have it served on your blog.
There are other feed-readers, so FeedBurner is not the only choice.
When you have a constantly updated stream of news presented in a distinct format, youve one more reason for your viewers to come dropping in often.
But suppose youre able to source specific news item which when your visitors click on fetches you money.
Yummy, youd say.
Well, thats precisely what Voxant [http://www.
php], the Viral Syndication Network (VSN) offers for your website or blog.
Lets have what Voxant says about this:
When the ad is clicked and revenue generated, the spoil is divided 40-40-20, meaning you the publisher earn 20%, the content provider earns 40% (usually top news agencies like Reuters, AFP, AP and others), while Voxant earns 40%.
What news you can serve? The choice covers a lot of variety sports, science, entertainment, US news, political stories and so on.
All these are collected from Voxants partners and stored in its online catalog for ready use.
Ive embedded (comes as Flash presentation) a couple of news items in my other blog, Kolkata Musing [http://www.
net/kolkata-musing], and they seem to be likened by my viewers.
Im not sure how my earning will shape up in future.
What clinches the issue for me is the ability to have some welcome variation with something that I feel revs up my blog apart from adding a little more value to my viewers time.
Is that the reason why tabloids are read more vis-à-vis mainline papers? The point that troubles blog-writer like me is whether the readers find my blog readable.
I dont mean if my essays are all bones with no flesh to offer.
Okay, my blog is not a well-known entity.
Not many visitors drop in, though Im trying hard to increase eyeballs.
But whoever does come..
, does he/she find it a cozy corner to spend some time? Its difficult to hazard a guess, but Im increasingly feeling inclined to believe that the more there are other things in the blog, the more the chance is to retain my viewers.
What can these other things be? Will it be some song and dance video? Heavens no.
I cannot imagine entertaining my viewers that way if only because my blog is not about song and dance.
The quest therefore has to be within what is feasible for my blog.
I would like to have contents that concern about the subject I deal in, yet not too heavy or too attractive to warrant my viewers leaving in haste.
Until now the choice has been more toward having rss feeds of leading content churners embedded via a feed-reader.
An example is that of latest search engine news that Ive included in my Words2Content homepage through FeedBurner and Grazr (it sometimes works, sometimes not).
The advantage here is that you can choose the feed(s) you like, burn it through FeedBurner and have it served on your blog.
There are other feed-readers, so FeedBurner is not the only choice.
When you have a constantly updated stream of news presented in a distinct format, youve one more reason for your viewers to come dropping in often.
But suppose youre able to source specific news item which when your visitors click on fetches you money.
Yummy, youd say.
Well, thats precisely what Voxant [http://www.
php], the Viral Syndication Network (VSN) offers for your website or blog.
Lets have what Voxant says about this:
When you join the Viral Syndication Network (VSN), you can publish all forms of online news content video, audio, text and photographs and monetize your site in the process.The idea is that the news you select to be served has adjoining ad that changes depending on demography.
Through TheNewsRoom, VSNs comprehensive online catalog of news, you gain access to compelling, trusted, fully licensed news content.
When the ad is clicked and revenue generated, the spoil is divided 40-40-20, meaning you the publisher earn 20%, the content provider earns 40% (usually top news agencies like Reuters, AFP, AP and others), while Voxant earns 40%.
What news you can serve? The choice covers a lot of variety sports, science, entertainment, US news, political stories and so on.
All these are collected from Voxants partners and stored in its online catalog for ready use.
Ive embedded (comes as Flash presentation) a couple of news items in my other blog, Kolkata Musing [http://www.
net/kolkata-musing], and they seem to be likened by my viewers.
Im not sure how my earning will shape up in future.
What clinches the issue for me is the ability to have some welcome variation with something that I feel revs up my blog apart from adding a little more value to my viewers time.