- 1). Start Calc and create a spreadsheet with your data arranged in two columns. For example; if charting sales over a week, the left column might have the days of the week, while the right column contains the sales figures for each day.
- 2). Select the data you wish to include in the chart, either by clicking and dragging the shaded area, or by pressing Shift and clicking.
- 3). Open the Chart Wizard by selecting Chart from the Insert dropdown menu. The wizard creates a sample chart and opens a window of formatting options.
- 4). Choose your chart type. For a bell curve, a column, bar, line or scatter chart works well. Click Next.
- 5). Use the Data Range page to correct any mistakes in the range of data you selected. Click Next.
- 6). Make any needed changes to the included data in the Data Series page, then click Next.
- 7). Use the Chart Elements page to add a title, labels for the axes, a legend, or grid lines, if you wish.
- 8). Click Finish to see your completed chart.