Health & Medical Women's Health

Menopause Need Not be Feared

Menopause is a normal and natural progression in a woman's life.
Her personality and the habits of her entire life will be magnified during this change of life.
The woman will realize that her biological "clock" and her ability to bear children have caught up with her.
A secure and confident woman should be able to take this change as a natural occurrence, which is great, but an insecure and anxious woman might have problems with her change of life.
Some insecure women think wrongly so, that menopause is the end of their marital and physical love life and also that their youth is over.
What really is the truth is that menopausal women are entering into the prime of their lives.
Life-long healthy diets and nutritional supplements during this time will greatly affect how well a woman will react to the change of life.
It's helpful to understand how menopause works, so it's not so scary and just a natural part of life.
The pituitary gland is responsible for the time when menopause occurs.
To explain it simply, as the woman ages, the active cells of the pituitary gland are replaced by tiny particles of inert material.
This "master gland" knows when the process of exchanging cells for inert material is at its end.
Then it chemically begins to direct orders to diminish the production of certain hormones, including estrogen, in the female body.
It has been found that vitamin E therapy used on menopausal women has quieted their anxiety, irritability and - in some cases - even eliminated hot flashes and night sweats.
And it seems only natural that those women who have eaten a well-balanced, nutritious diet all of their lives should have less adverse affects during menopause.
Along with vitamin E, the vitamin B complex, calcium and lecithin can help the menopausal woman, along with maintaining a well-balanced diet.
Indeed, if a strict regimen using these techniques is adhered to, then sedatives, female hormone treatments and tranquilizers may be able to be avoided! Eating habits, of course, are another factor in the menopausal woman.
Because she becomes less active during this time in her life, her normal eating habits could cause undesirable weight gain.
She has to be careful though to make sure that a lesser caloric intake diet does not contribute to low blood sugar.
If she is reducing her food intake, the use of a protein supplement such as non-fat milk taken between meals can help refrain her from snacking.
This will also enhance her nutritional intake, which in turn can maintain her natural youthful characteristics.
Gray hair, changes in the skin texture and tone and also changes in the nails are all not necessarily ushered in with menopause.
Examination of some seventy year olds showed that they did not have gray hair or wrinkled skin, so these conditions are not caused by old age alone.
Menopause doesn't have to be a dreaded occurrence.
In fact, the middle-aged years can be the best time in a woman's life!By following the doctor's advice and orders, and adhering to a proper nutritional diet along with sensible eating habits, the process of menopause can be "survived" with almost no symptoms; or even none at all!
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