- Use a construction theme for your next birthday party.construction image by Horticulture from Fotolia.com
The next time you host a child's birthday party--or a party for an adult who is a child at heart--then consider a party with a construction theme. Construction theme parties are not limited to those who work or want to work in construction. A construction theme party carries with it the inspiration to continue "building dreams". - If you are able to host the party outside, you will have a great opportunity to recreate an "under construction" work zone for the party. Buy orange cones, rope and "under construction" plastic tape or streamers. Set up the cones around the party site and rope off areas that might be "hazardous" with the streamers.
- Recreate the effects of a room under construction by lining the floor with tarp or plastic covering. Set up saw horses covered by large wood sheets and use these makeshift tables as food and gift tables. Try to place these "tables" close to walls so that there is less of a chance of guests toppling them. Also, make sure you set up signs around the room that warn guests "Watch your step!" and "Do not sit!" on the table.
- Create a "grand opening" party in a room in your house for an adult birthday party. You may want to have one room that is "under construction" and another for the "grand opening." In the grand opening room, tape a metallic streamer across the entrance and then cut the streamer with a large pair of scissors as part of the evening's event. The grand opening room should look swanky and cool, with colored light bulbs and specialty drinks on the bar.
Outside Work Zone
Inside Building Site
Grand Opening