Before I get into the cauldron simmering in the Middle East, I want to revisit the 'health care summit' and an article written by Joe Klein of TIME/CNN.
If there is a better example of why the 'lamestream' press are becoming extinct in this country, I haven't seen one.
Mr Klein was apparently elsewhere during the hearing and depended on 'tea leaves' for his reporting.
Read: 'I don't know anything about this but I'll pass judgment based on second hand garbage from other lefty sources'.
Klein's article was a misrepresentation from beginning to end.
Joe, your boy Obama was on the defensive the whole time.
The only way he had to protect himself from the very cogent points being presented by the Republicans was to repeatedly cut them off and go off on some obscure posturing or another.
Despite being held to only one hundred and ten minutes the Republican lawmakers made the Democrats and President Obama look pretty damn silly.
Events in the Middle East are becoming more dangerous by the day following talks in Damascus, with Syria calling for military support from Iran in the event of war with Israel.
Iran has been ginning up the image of war with Israel in talks with Syria, Lebanon and Hizballah.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad, in a series of phone calls with Syrian President Assad, Lebanese President General Michel Suleiman and Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, said that Israel is after finding a way to compensate for the 'defeat' they suffered at the hands of Hizballah in Lebanon.
Despite this nonsense Israel's hand may be forced soon.
The on-again off-again Russian missile deal is apparently back on again.
Israel has been beefing its anti-missile and civil defense postures considerably.
IDF training has been going on at a fevered pitch.
The new long distance drones are operational and could conceivably take some of the pressure off of the IAF by performing deep penetration real time surveillance and targeted strikes, leaving the more difficult precision strikes to the IAF fighter and fighter-bomber strike forces.
There are reportedly some 45,000 rockets and missiles in Lebanon ready to rain down on Israeli towns and cities.
Our own Coward-in-Chief has sent our national security adviser and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to 'ensure' that Israel doesn't do anything rash...
like defend themselves and their country.
One would hope that the Israelis told them to put it where the sun doesn't shine, but they're more diplomatic than that.
One thing is for sure, when they do decide to go they won't be asking Obama for permission.
Too tempting to pass up? Iran, in a puzzling move, has taken virtually its entire stock of 4,300 lbs of low-enriched uranium to an above ground facility from storage in a hardened facility underground.
It's like they are begging Israel to do its worst...
and they might just find out that Israel's worst is likely to be Iran's worst nightmare.
If there is a better example of why the 'lamestream' press are becoming extinct in this country, I haven't seen one.
Mr Klein was apparently elsewhere during the hearing and depended on 'tea leaves' for his reporting.
Read: 'I don't know anything about this but I'll pass judgment based on second hand garbage from other lefty sources'.
Klein's article was a misrepresentation from beginning to end.
Joe, your boy Obama was on the defensive the whole time.
The only way he had to protect himself from the very cogent points being presented by the Republicans was to repeatedly cut them off and go off on some obscure posturing or another.
Despite being held to only one hundred and ten minutes the Republican lawmakers made the Democrats and President Obama look pretty damn silly.
Events in the Middle East are becoming more dangerous by the day following talks in Damascus, with Syria calling for military support from Iran in the event of war with Israel.
Iran has been ginning up the image of war with Israel in talks with Syria, Lebanon and Hizballah.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad, in a series of phone calls with Syrian President Assad, Lebanese President General Michel Suleiman and Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, said that Israel is after finding a way to compensate for the 'defeat' they suffered at the hands of Hizballah in Lebanon.
Despite this nonsense Israel's hand may be forced soon.
The on-again off-again Russian missile deal is apparently back on again.
Israel has been beefing its anti-missile and civil defense postures considerably.
IDF training has been going on at a fevered pitch.
The new long distance drones are operational and could conceivably take some of the pressure off of the IAF by performing deep penetration real time surveillance and targeted strikes, leaving the more difficult precision strikes to the IAF fighter and fighter-bomber strike forces.
There are reportedly some 45,000 rockets and missiles in Lebanon ready to rain down on Israeli towns and cities.
Our own Coward-in-Chief has sent our national security adviser and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to 'ensure' that Israel doesn't do anything rash...
like defend themselves and their country.
One would hope that the Israelis told them to put it where the sun doesn't shine, but they're more diplomatic than that.
One thing is for sure, when they do decide to go they won't be asking Obama for permission.
Too tempting to pass up? Iran, in a puzzling move, has taken virtually its entire stock of 4,300 lbs of low-enriched uranium to an above ground facility from storage in a hardened facility underground.
It's like they are begging Israel to do its worst...
and they might just find out that Israel's worst is likely to be Iran's worst nightmare.