While suffering from bacterial vaginosis (BV) is difficult enough, experiencing it over and over again can be especially aggravating.
This condition occurs when there is a pH imbalance in the vagina.
While bacterial vaginosis is not serious, when it constantly occurs over and over gain, it can be frustrating and unpleasant to live with.
Though, if enough time passes without any treatment, then BV can result in more severe conditions.
It's important to visit a doctor if you begin experiencing symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
For some women however, the condition keeps coming back even when they get it treated.
If you are experiencing reoccurring BV, have you thought why? The following are possibilities as to why BV won't go away for good.
Antibiotic Treatment When consulting a physician because of an infection, they will generally recommend antibiotics.
While antibiotics will help destroy the harmful bacteria that is causing the infection, they will also eliminate the helpful bacteria that fights against it.
This may bring positive results initially, but not over the long term.
Antibiotics don't treat the source of the condition, only the symptoms.
Hormonal Changes Research has shown that hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy can disrupt the natural pH levels in the vagina.
Healed Without Treatment Sometimes bacterial vaginosis can heal itself without using any type of treatment.
However, BV has elements to it that may cause it to come back.
The Use of Natural Remedies Almost everyone has access to natural ingredients.
They have shown to be effective and generally come with very little risk or side effects.
Often, natural remedies provide immediate relief from recurrent bacterial vaginosis.
However, sufferers of BV who use natural remedies will have to continue using them until the condition is completely gone.
The most effective way to treat bacterial vaginosis is by getting the pH level to return to normal and to keep it that way.
Be sure to consume a healthy, well-balanced diet.
The minerals and nutrients that are essential for boosting your immune system should be included in your diet each day.
Also, it's just as important to keep processed foods, fatty foods, coffee, and alcohol out of your diet.
Yogurt is encouraged because it promotes helpful bacterial in the vagina.
Your sex life should be healthy as well.
Use protection to practice safe sex, or abstain from sexual intercourse altogether while going through the disease.
Also, avoid being with more than one partner as this can make the condition worse.
This condition occurs when there is a pH imbalance in the vagina.
While bacterial vaginosis is not serious, when it constantly occurs over and over gain, it can be frustrating and unpleasant to live with.
Though, if enough time passes without any treatment, then BV can result in more severe conditions.
It's important to visit a doctor if you begin experiencing symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
For some women however, the condition keeps coming back even when they get it treated.
If you are experiencing reoccurring BV, have you thought why? The following are possibilities as to why BV won't go away for good.
Antibiotic Treatment When consulting a physician because of an infection, they will generally recommend antibiotics.
While antibiotics will help destroy the harmful bacteria that is causing the infection, they will also eliminate the helpful bacteria that fights against it.
This may bring positive results initially, but not over the long term.
Antibiotics don't treat the source of the condition, only the symptoms.
Hormonal Changes Research has shown that hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy can disrupt the natural pH levels in the vagina.
Healed Without Treatment Sometimes bacterial vaginosis can heal itself without using any type of treatment.
However, BV has elements to it that may cause it to come back.
The Use of Natural Remedies Almost everyone has access to natural ingredients.
They have shown to be effective and generally come with very little risk or side effects.
Often, natural remedies provide immediate relief from recurrent bacterial vaginosis.
However, sufferers of BV who use natural remedies will have to continue using them until the condition is completely gone.
The most effective way to treat bacterial vaginosis is by getting the pH level to return to normal and to keep it that way.
Be sure to consume a healthy, well-balanced diet.
The minerals and nutrients that are essential for boosting your immune system should be included in your diet each day.
Also, it's just as important to keep processed foods, fatty foods, coffee, and alcohol out of your diet.
Yogurt is encouraged because it promotes helpful bacterial in the vagina.
Your sex life should be healthy as well.
Use protection to practice safe sex, or abstain from sexual intercourse altogether while going through the disease.
Also, avoid being with more than one partner as this can make the condition worse.