- 1). Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a tax attorney to find out what the best business structure would be for your beauty pageant boot camp. Ask about the proper paperwork and tax filing instructions for employees that you hire to help run the boot camp. File for your business license as per the instructions you receive.
- 2). Find a venue for your beauty pageant boot camp. Scout out hotels that have large meeting areas and compare prices. Ask about group rates and catering for your venture. Book the hotel for the days that you plan to have your boot camp. Make sure to calculate the cost of paying your employees, feeding your participants and booking the space, along with the profits that you hope to earn from hosting the boot camp. Divide the number by the number of participants you hope will attend your beauty pageant boot camp to come up with a dollar amount to charge each participant.
- 3). Create informational flyers that list the location, time and price of your beauty pageant boot camp. Distribute your flyers at beauty pageants and on pageant websites and enroll the number of participants that you decided upon previously. Place employment ads on beauty pageant websites and in specialty magazines. Interview and hire a personal trainer who specializes in beauty pageants. Hire a former beauty queen as well. Bring on a hair and makeup specialist along with a professional photographer and a nutritionist. Have everyone you hire complete the proper paperwork and file the correct tax documentation, as well bring any supplies they made need with them to the event.
- 4). Make a daily schedule with your employees prior to the first day of your beauty boot camp. Block off hours of time for sessions that include successful interviewing techniques and mock interviews, fitness training, wardrobe direction, diet, hair and makeup, taking head shots and talent workshops. Rehearse the flow of each day with your employees. Make a banner for the boot camp and name tags for each participant. Follow your daily timeline when you begin the boot camp.