If you are reading these words, then it may be assumed that you have either lost a loved one recently or are looking for ways to help a dear one organize a funeral. If that's correct, then you need to take a long breath and relax. These simple but effective tips are written with compassion and sympathy to tackle your loss and help you prepare for a funeral in an easy manner. Read on for a closer insight into some of the essential elements linked with arranging the fuel –the right way.
Casket: Open or Closed?
At the very onset, you need to decide how the casket has to be displayed. Do you want to have a closed or open casket funeral? The factors involved in this decision are many and require careful thinking and planning. For instance, did the deceased meet a horrific accident or was the death more peaceful? In addition, who are the attendees at the funeral—will they be agreeable to seeing a casket that is open? Although open caskets are helpful in making people accept that the inevitable has happened, they may also leave loved ones more distressed and highly uncomfortable to see their family member lying in state. If you feel that a closed casket may be a better alternative to address these concerns, then go in for one.
Transportation also requires careful consideration at this stage. You have to ensure that every person attending the funeral has access to a vehicle, so that he/she can be ferried along with the hearse. Again, you need to think about the route that the hearse will take –is it special? Older attendees may need a wheel chair to get access to the site of the funeral. Also, immediately after the funeral, you may want to reach home with all the other loved ones, plan accordingly.
Music adds tranquility and peace to any environment. The same is true for funerals too. The type of music arranged can depend on the one chosen by you or something that was favoured by your departed loved one. Music with a soft and appealing tone is a good option. Also, think about the music that your loved one would have liked to hear on his/her last journey.
Well, you may want to hire the services of a reputed catering agency to take care of the food for your guests and family members attending the funeral. A good way of helping everyone feel better; a well organized meal or some snacks is always welcome—depending on what you choose.
Burial or Cremation
By far, this is the most difficult choice that you have to make in the process of organizing a funeral. Would you like to bury or cremate your loved one? Firstly, it is important to find out whether the departed had made any requests, if yes, then you should act in accordance with the same. In the absence of a request, it is best to discuss with all family members and take the decision accordingly.
Funerals are always difficult to set up—especially for family members who are going through hard times and the pain of losing their loved ones. Professionals dedicated to the cause of organizing a respectful funeral are reliable, compassionate, understand your needs and offer the right solutions –the cost effective way!
Casket: Open or Closed?
At the very onset, you need to decide how the casket has to be displayed. Do you want to have a closed or open casket funeral? The factors involved in this decision are many and require careful thinking and planning. For instance, did the deceased meet a horrific accident or was the death more peaceful? In addition, who are the attendees at the funeral—will they be agreeable to seeing a casket that is open? Although open caskets are helpful in making people accept that the inevitable has happened, they may also leave loved ones more distressed and highly uncomfortable to see their family member lying in state. If you feel that a closed casket may be a better alternative to address these concerns, then go in for one.
Transportation also requires careful consideration at this stage. You have to ensure that every person attending the funeral has access to a vehicle, so that he/she can be ferried along with the hearse. Again, you need to think about the route that the hearse will take –is it special? Older attendees may need a wheel chair to get access to the site of the funeral. Also, immediately after the funeral, you may want to reach home with all the other loved ones, plan accordingly.
Music adds tranquility and peace to any environment. The same is true for funerals too. The type of music arranged can depend on the one chosen by you or something that was favoured by your departed loved one. Music with a soft and appealing tone is a good option. Also, think about the music that your loved one would have liked to hear on his/her last journey.
Well, you may want to hire the services of a reputed catering agency to take care of the food for your guests and family members attending the funeral. A good way of helping everyone feel better; a well organized meal or some snacks is always welcome—depending on what you choose.
Burial or Cremation
By far, this is the most difficult choice that you have to make in the process of organizing a funeral. Would you like to bury or cremate your loved one? Firstly, it is important to find out whether the departed had made any requests, if yes, then you should act in accordance with the same. In the absence of a request, it is best to discuss with all family members and take the decision accordingly.
Funerals are always difficult to set up—especially for family members who are going through hard times and the pain of losing their loved ones. Professionals dedicated to the cause of organizing a respectful funeral are reliable, compassionate, understand your needs and offer the right solutions –the cost effective way!