- 1). Before you decide to train your Parakeet, make sure you spend some time with your bird. Start by singing to it in a gently voice and get really close to the cage but not too close. Never reach your hand inside the cage unless you intend to feed your bird otherwise you will frighten him or her.
- 2). Once your bird is finally accustomed to being around you, it is time to take them out of the cage. You'll want to train your bird outside of the cage since this way their space won't be invaded. Place your bird on top of the cage.
- 3). We are going to train your bird by using the perch finger method. In a slow motion, place your finger up to the Parakeets stomach against him or her. They will feel as if they are going to trip and automatically move onto your hand. This is a very effective way to train your Parakeet.
- 4). To potty train your bird, you will need to know when they must relief themselves. You can do this by studying your bird's posture and face. The bird may fluff it's feathers or hunch down more when it is about to relief themselves. Once they do this, quickly use the perch trick used above to get your bird to hop onto your finger and you can move them to where you want to potty train your bird.