Do you have an internet business? What is its profitability level at? Are you making any serious income from the efforts that you're putting into marketing your business? I'm sure you are, and I'm sure you've tried everything under the sun.
So why aren't you getting a lot of sales? Well, it could be for a number of reasons.
We will get to the reasons in just a little bit, but if you're discouraged about the lack of sales that you're getting right now, you should know that it can be turned around quickly and easily.
I know you have a goal for financial freedom, and I know you don't want to wait until you're 60 to start having "fun" in your life.
So if you want to maximize your chances of online success and make more money in your business, there are some things that you will have to change if you want to see the profits coming in relatively fast.
Here's the first reason newbies have problems when they start off marketing their internet business.
1) Selling to bad prospects You never want to sell to people who are uninterested in your product or service.
When most beginners start off online, they create or find a product, and then go searching some place where they think that their product will take off.
Unfortunately, what these newbies don't know is that you should start with the market first, and then find or create a product that solves the problem that this niche is going through.
This is the best way to begin your marketing efforts.
Any other way of promoting your product is futile.
This is just ineffective.
It's like finding names out the phone book and cold calling them, asking them if they want to buy your product or service.
Catch my drift? If you don't remember anything from this lesson, remember that you should find the niche first, and then go after a product that will suit the needs of your prospects.
Here's something else that you don't want to do: 2) Not following up on your customers I'm not sure if you know this already, but selling to your existing customers will account for 80% of your total business profits.
Therefore ignoring these people will cause you to miss out on a lot of profits that you could be making in your business.
This is the bread and butter of your business, so don't neglect them.
You should start off by contacting them at least 3 times a month.
If you put them into your autoresponder sequence, you can have the whole thing on autopilot.
In fact, there are shopping cart software's that can automatically put your customer into a new autoresponder sequence as soon as they complete their order - thereby allowing you to further streamline your email marketing business.
Take these 2 tips and use them as a reference for what not to do when marketing your business online.
You'll save yourself a lot of time, money, and effort.
Good luck with using these tips to make more money in your business today.
So why aren't you getting a lot of sales? Well, it could be for a number of reasons.
We will get to the reasons in just a little bit, but if you're discouraged about the lack of sales that you're getting right now, you should know that it can be turned around quickly and easily.
I know you have a goal for financial freedom, and I know you don't want to wait until you're 60 to start having "fun" in your life.
So if you want to maximize your chances of online success and make more money in your business, there are some things that you will have to change if you want to see the profits coming in relatively fast.
Here's the first reason newbies have problems when they start off marketing their internet business.
1) Selling to bad prospects You never want to sell to people who are uninterested in your product or service.
When most beginners start off online, they create or find a product, and then go searching some place where they think that their product will take off.
Unfortunately, what these newbies don't know is that you should start with the market first, and then find or create a product that solves the problem that this niche is going through.
This is the best way to begin your marketing efforts.
Any other way of promoting your product is futile.
This is just ineffective.
It's like finding names out the phone book and cold calling them, asking them if they want to buy your product or service.
Catch my drift? If you don't remember anything from this lesson, remember that you should find the niche first, and then go after a product that will suit the needs of your prospects.
Here's something else that you don't want to do: 2) Not following up on your customers I'm not sure if you know this already, but selling to your existing customers will account for 80% of your total business profits.
Therefore ignoring these people will cause you to miss out on a lot of profits that you could be making in your business.
This is the bread and butter of your business, so don't neglect them.
You should start off by contacting them at least 3 times a month.
If you put them into your autoresponder sequence, you can have the whole thing on autopilot.
In fact, there are shopping cart software's that can automatically put your customer into a new autoresponder sequence as soon as they complete their order - thereby allowing you to further streamline your email marketing business.
Take these 2 tips and use them as a reference for what not to do when marketing your business online.
You'll save yourself a lot of time, money, and effort.
Good luck with using these tips to make more money in your business today.