- Powder coating equipment can be costly, and a typical powder coating setup includes many pieces of equipment, such as a sandblaster, a compressor, a powder gun and a kiln or oven. Extra equipment (such as regulators, air management systems and respirators) may be required as well, depending on the setup. Used powder coating equipment can be bought online from individuals using a sales website. New equipment can be purchased commercially from specialty manufacturers such as Eastwood or Nordson. See the Resources section for links to these manufacturers' websites.
- In addition to specialized equipment, powder coating also requires a steady source of renewable supplies. Most important among these is the paint powder itself, which comes in many different varieties -- the type needed depends on the application, the amount of area to be covered, the type of material being painted and other similar factors. Other supplies include powder coat additives, primer, paint strippers, thermometers, masking tape and curing lamps. Powder coating supplies can usually be purchased from companies that provide equipment as well; however, there are also a few commercial suppliers that specialize in paint powder such as Caswell. See the Resources section for links to powder coat suppliers.
- Learning the skills and techniques involved in powder coating can be much easier with simple training. Training is available to learn powder coating for many applications, such as auto detailing, bicycle customization and more. Many powder coating services offer training locally for a fee. Many training classes can be applied to online. For example, the Powder Coating Institute in Texas offers classes in advanced powder coating, as well as "Powder Coating 101" for beginners. See the "Training Resources" page from powdercoatingonline.com (in the Resources section) for links to powder coat training courses, including the one mentioned above.
- There is a plethora of information available about powder coating online. Many commercial powder coating sites such as Andrews Powder Coating or SprayTechSys offer FAQ pages or information pages to familiarize potential customers with the basics of powder coating and equipment setups. Local auto paint shops and other local powder coaters also have access to resources and can be contacted by an enthusiast looking for a start. Check the Resources section for links to powder coating FAQs.
Powder Coating Equipment Resources
Powder Coating Supplies Resources
Powder Coating Training Resources
Additional Resources