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How to Hide Valuables From Burglars

Similar to the concept of a green snake in the grass, you walk right by without seeing it, are "diversion safes".
Unlike a locked metal safe, "diversion safes" are common household looking items with built-in hidden compartments.
They come in the form of flower pots, bottles, surge protectors, cans, wall outlets, books and so on.
Most burglars spend less than six minutes inside of a victim's home and only check the most obvious places for valuables.
These unique safes allow you to hide valuables in some of the last places a thief would think to look.
So if you want to hide something from a burglar, put it right in front of the thief using a "diversion safe".
A "Surge Protector Safe" looks like a real electrical surge protector.
It has an on/off switch that glows red, you can plug six cords in it, and it can be plugged into a real electrical wall outlet.
Because it is not a real electrical device, there is no danger of any current entering or passing through it.
It just looks real, but its not.
This is the reason it is indistinguishable.
As a result, valuables can be hidden without anybody ever paying it any attention.
Its compartment measures 6 inches x 2 inches x three-quarter inches.
If you wish to hide valuables in your home as well as away from home, a "Travelling Coffee Mug Safe" is an excellent product.
It has a no-spill top and will hold as much coffee as a standard coffee mug.
The top portion can actually be used as an insulated coffee thermos.
When you unscrew the top from the bottom portion, you are provided with an area approximately 6 inches tall by 3 inches in diameter to hide valuables.
In addition to the unique "safes" named above, there are many others, including hidden pillows and closet light "safes".
These products are much cheaper and in many cases, better to hide valuables than a standard locked metal safe.
Burglars automatically look for standard safes, but can't take the time and chance to check for what may be a "diversion safe".
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