Health & Medical Mental Health

What a Doctor at MD Anderson Cancer Center Told Me

The grief stricken father called me.
"My son is in MD Anderson Cancer Center and they only give him two weeks to live.
" I met the father at his hotel near the Houston Medical Center.
He told me that the family had heard about GLYCOMICS, the science of sugars, and its possible impact on cancer.
At the hotel, I gave him a brief overview of the science and explained that I could make no medical claims nor could I recommend any of the sugars with the intent of treating or curing any disease.
If a healthy person needs these sugars, do you think that an unhealthy person may need them even more? He told me that he wanted his son to start eating a regimen of specific sugars immediately.
He was visibly surprised when I told him that I would like very much to meet his doctor.
He agreed to take me to see his twenty year old son, knowing that the doctor would be there soon.
At the hospital, I went through scrubs, donned a green smock, and went to the room.
There, I met the dying son and his mother.
Reverently, I recapped the science and disclaimers.
Then the doctor came into the room.
But, he was not alone.
He brought with him an entourage of eight doctors or trainees.
It was my pleasure and privilege to present a brief training in Glycomics to these doctors.
The lead doctor listened carefully and was very polite, as were the others.
He commented, "I do not know enough about the science to recommend it to the family.
" Then he quickly added, "Nor, do I know enough about the science to not let the son take the sugars.
" I complemented the oncologist for his openness and his permission to the family.
Then, the doctor added a statement that seemed to surprise everyone in the room, "I have a doctor friend in Boston who has told me that this is the future of medicine.
" With that comment, the group of doctors left the room knowing that in one week the young man with leukemia would slip into a comma and in two weeks he would be dead.
The young man had too many white blood cells.
In one week, he did not slip into a comma but in two weeks, complications took their toll.
A few years ago, my next door neighbor was taken to the hospital, diagnosed with cancer and given two weeks to live.
They told him that he was producing no white blood cells.
The family started him on a regimen of sugars and he too died in two weeks.
However, shortly before he died, the doctor did one last blood test to determine his count and commented, "I better do that test over because it shows he is producing white blood cells again.
" But, it was too late.
There is accumulating university based evidence that specific sugars modulate the immune system and have a positive impact on different health challenges.
One of the smart sugars was used to inoculate billions of birds with little to no public knowledge.
In my lectures, I reveal how, with the approval of the USDA, one smart sugar was used to eradicate cancer in the poultry industry of America.
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