Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Will Fibroids Affect Pregnancy?

Fibroids affect many women worldwide and it is believed that around 30% of all women will have fibroids which cause some symptoms-be they mild or severe.
If you are contemplating a pregnancy and know that you have fibroids, you may be concerned as to whether fibroids affect pregnancy.
Firstly, you should be reassured that most women have no real problems associated with fibroids during pregnancy and they are able to become pregnant normally and achieve a healthy pregnancy.
However, although this is true for the majority, it cannot be denied that difficulties can be experienced by some.
For that small number of women, fibroids affect pregnancy in a number of different ways.
One common problem is related to the location of the fibroids.
If they happen to be located in a position which either blocks the cervix or the entrance to one or both fallopian tubes, then the passage of sperm will be somewhat inhibited.
Larger fibroids can partially fill up the uterine cavity and this can affect implantation of a newly fertilized egg.
In addition, fibroids can be responsible for an early miscarriage (often before you even know of the pregnancy) or can bring on an early labor.
Another way fibroids affect pregnancy is after the birth itself.
Under normal circumstances, the womb contracts spontaneously and this muscular contraction helps stop bleeding after birth.
If fibroids are present, this can sometimes be less effective and intervention may be needed to help stop the bleeding.
If you are worried about the possible ways fibroids affect pregnancy, you could consider taking proactive steps to reduce the size of them prior to becoming pregnancy and there are natural ways you can do this which are completely harmless and are generally health-enhancing.
Fibroids are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and they are an ideal condition to treat because as they are so rarely life-threatening.
It makes complete sense to try out a natural treatment for fibroids before pregnancy to give yourself the best possible chance of a healthy outcome.
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