- 1). Drill holes along the bottoms of all three bins and one lid in 2-inch intervals using the drill and bit. Make three rows of holes to provide air ventilation and to speed up the composting process.
- 2). Lay one of the lids upside down on the ground to serve as a drip tray. Place two bricks in, on the inside of, the lid. Set the first bin on top of the bricks.
- 3). Fill the bottom of the first bin with a mixture of soil and worms if you use the vermicomposting method. Sprinkle water on the mixture to dampen it. Mix the soil and worms together -- or fill the bin with compost material, sprinkle the compost with water and mix the material together.
- 4). Place the second bin inside the first bin, then repeat step 3.
- 5). Place the third bin inside the second bin. Repeat step 3 and place the vented lid on the top bin.
- 6). Move the contents of the top bin to the middle bin and the middle bin to the bottom bin when the material in the top bin begins to look like compost mulch. Add fresh compost material to the top bin.
- 7). Remove the compost from the bottom bin when the material becomes crumbled, dark brown and has an earthen odor. The original materials placed in the bin should be unrecognizable. Repeat step 6 to continue rotation of the material in the bins.