- Eat more fruit to improve your overall well-being. Our forebears, before the development of agriculture, were hunter-gatherers. This means they ate the fruit of the land. Meat, too, was a part of their diet when they could catch it. However, they probably ate less meat than we do today because of the difficulty in obtaining it.
If you suffer from the typical maladies of our culture (e.g., obesity, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, acne, allergies, etc.) you would do well to engage in a cleansing routine and diet makeover. One technique is to eat only fruit for three days then switch to a partial fast of only fruit and vegetable juices. This juice fast should last one to three days. After the fast, eat fruit again for three days. Avoid bananas and strawberries for the first day or so. Now begin eating a healthy, balanced diet of at least three servings of fruit, three servings of vegetables, whole grain products like oatmeal and wild rice, and lean meats and fish.
If you prefer, simply eat fruit only for 30 days instead of fasting on juices for a few days. The soft, soluble fiber in fruits will gently cleanse your bowels. Fruits are full of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, plus their water concentration will keep your cells hydrated even better than water alone. To complement the soluble fiber, take a spoonful of flaxseed or take a psyllium husk insoluble fiber supplement while on the fruit diet. You should also take a good multivitamin and drink a little vegetable juice as a precaution in case your fruit choices are not varied enough to provide all your vitamin needs. - Do not follow the fruit-only diet for longer than 30 days at a time due to the possibility of missing important nutrients found in other foods. If you have health issues, consult your physician before changing your eating habits. While on this diet you may experience looser bowel movements and increased urine production. This is a sign that your body is taking the opportunity to clean house. If you have been addicted to caffeine and sugar, you will probably have a headache for the first few days. This will pass, and so will your cravings. After your body has detoxified, or processed out the toxins that have accumulated in your cells over the years, you will feel lighter and possibly have more energy and mental clarity.
Fruit Diet