- 1). Bake the cake. Use your favorite cake recipe and bake it in whatever size or shape pan you want. A square, rectangular or round cake is best for putting the basket weave on the sides. Allow the cake to cool completely. Frost the cake with your base frosting.
- 2). Tint some of the frosting brown. Fit a pastry bag with a regular coupler and a number 4 cake decorating tip. Make posts along the side of the cake by touching the tip to the top edge of the cake and allow the frosting to fall down the side of the cake. Make sure they are evenly spaced.
- 3). Re-fit the pastry bag with the number 47 tip with the serrated sides face up. Work your rows from the bottom of the cake upward. For row one, squeeze out some frosting starting at one post, go over the next and stop at the third. Continue this way around the cake for one row.
- 4). Start the second row by squeezing out frosting beginning at the second post. Go over the third and stop at the fourth. Continue around the cake to complete row two.
- 5). Repeat steps 3 and 4 alternating starting points for the rows. Work your way completely up the side of the cake, one row at a time.