Vaginitis is simply a word that encompasses many different vaginal disorders which come along with irritation, infection or inflammation. This condition can develop through several different means, including from a virus, bacteria or yeast. It can also be caused by the use of certain hygienic products such as lotion or your particular laundry detergent. Women can actually transmit this condition to their partners during sexual intercourse. Because there are so many types of conditions that 'vaginitis' describes, there are also many different symptoms that one can experience. Here are the most common symptoms of vaginitis.
• You may notice discharge that is different from what you would normally see, or even an unpleasant odor.
• You may notice itching and irritation around the external part of the vagina.
• You may notice some burning during urination.
• Intercourse might be uncomfortable or painful for you.
There are several different types of vaginitis, and each one has certain symptoms unique to that type as well as symptoms that are similar to the other types. Here are those different types of vaginitis.
Bacterial Vaginosis -
If you notice a white to gray colored discharge that is milky in consistency, as well as a really bad, fish-type odor, you may have BV. This infection usually doesn't cause redness or itching and in fact most women experience very mild or no symptoms at all, other than the foul odor.
Yeast Infections/Candida -
Yeast infections product a discharge that resembles cottage cheese. It's normally white and sort of lumpy in texture. There is no smell or odor with the discharge but the outside of the vagina may become irritated and itchy. This is a very common infection in women who are of childbearing years.
Viral Infections -
These viruses may be called herpes simples, and these are identifiable by sores which become apparent in the vaginal area. They are quite painful and can spread to the inside of the vaginal opening. HPV (Human Paplillomavirus) which is also known as genital warts is also a viral infection and can be painful.
Trichomoniasis Vaginitis -
If you notice a foul smell as well as a yellow to green discharge, you may have this condition. It will usually be accompanied by irritation and burning. There will be a bad odor as well as possible abdominal pain. Menstruation may make this pain worse.
Non-Infectious Vaginitis - This is simply a reaction to some sort of irritant which has come into contact with the vagina. It could be soap, douches, or tampons. You might experience itching and burning or irritation but as soon as the irritant is removed, you will get better quickly.
Chlamydia -
This condition is quite hard to diagnose as there are typically no symptoms. This is a type of STD and is quite preventable through the use of sexual protection.
Any of these conditions can be quite irritating and embarrassing. Should you have any of these symptoms, contact your physician for a check up right away. This way, you will be able to treat the condition and get back to normal.
Click for Say Goodbye to Bacterial Vaginosis Forever
• You may notice discharge that is different from what you would normally see, or even an unpleasant odor.
• You may notice itching and irritation around the external part of the vagina.
• You may notice some burning during urination.
• Intercourse might be uncomfortable or painful for you.
There are several different types of vaginitis, and each one has certain symptoms unique to that type as well as symptoms that are similar to the other types. Here are those different types of vaginitis.
Bacterial Vaginosis -
If you notice a white to gray colored discharge that is milky in consistency, as well as a really bad, fish-type odor, you may have BV. This infection usually doesn't cause redness or itching and in fact most women experience very mild or no symptoms at all, other than the foul odor.
Yeast Infections/Candida -
Yeast infections product a discharge that resembles cottage cheese. It's normally white and sort of lumpy in texture. There is no smell or odor with the discharge but the outside of the vagina may become irritated and itchy. This is a very common infection in women who are of childbearing years.
Viral Infections -
These viruses may be called herpes simples, and these are identifiable by sores which become apparent in the vaginal area. They are quite painful and can spread to the inside of the vaginal opening. HPV (Human Paplillomavirus) which is also known as genital warts is also a viral infection and can be painful.
Trichomoniasis Vaginitis -
Click for Say Goodbye to Bacterial Vaginosis Forever
If you notice a foul smell as well as a yellow to green discharge, you may have this condition. It will usually be accompanied by irritation and burning. There will be a bad odor as well as possible abdominal pain. Menstruation may make this pain worse.
Non-Infectious Vaginitis - This is simply a reaction to some sort of irritant which has come into contact with the vagina. It could be soap, douches, or tampons. You might experience itching and burning or irritation but as soon as the irritant is removed, you will get better quickly.
Chlamydia -
This condition is quite hard to diagnose as there are typically no symptoms. This is a type of STD and is quite preventable through the use of sexual protection.
Any of these conditions can be quite irritating and embarrassing. Should you have any of these symptoms, contact your physician for a check up right away. This way, you will be able to treat the condition and get back to normal.
Click for Say Goodbye to Bacterial Vaginosis Forever