Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Mobile Phone Industry

The mobile phone India industry with 740.10 Million telephone subscribers and 706.69 Million cell phone connections truly claims as the fastest growing telecommunication industry in the world that also has generated about 10 Million jobs. Moreover, the buying and selling of new and used mobiles too has been at record high from the last few years. But industry"s rapid growth also has some harmful effects for both the human beings and the environment. So this article will provide you the information about the fast growing Indian cellular market and its harmful effects.
Let us discuss its growth at furious pace first; First of all, Indian mobile phone market has become an attractive destination for global mobile manufactures like Nokia, Samsung, LG, Apple Inc, HTC, Blackberry and Sony Ericson etc with their cheap dual-SIM handsets and smartphones.
Secondly, the next generation networks include IP technology, fiber optics, wi-fi and 3G networks by some of the famous service providers like Reliance Communications, Bharti Airtel, MTNL, Idea Cellular, Aircel Ltd, and Tata Indicom are also playing their role in the growth of Indian cellular market. Thirdly, the announcement of Mobile Number Portability by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) at the end of the year 2010 that allows users to retain their numbers, while shifting to a different service provider has further escalated the growth of mobile phone India market. Fourthly, thanks to the low per-minute charges and cheap mobile prices by different local service providers and mobile manufacturing companies respectively.
But, with all the convenience and comfort of ever growing mobile phone technology, it has brought various harmful effects on the environment which are given below in detail;
1.The mobile phones India users keep upgrading their used mobiles quiet often with new models without correct disposal or recycling. Most of them are unaware of the damage caused to the environment by harmful metals "Cadmium, Lead, Lithium, Nickel and Mercury" that can cause contamination of water and soil.
2.Evidence is mounting that the "Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) "badly affect our brains and central nervous system.
3.Moreover, Bluetooth devices expose the brain, ears and eyes to strong doses of wireless microwave radiations. Even, mobile phones send out a constant EM pulse in a two-way communication with the nearest tower.
4.Microwave radio emissions from cell phone towers increase free radicals and oxidative stress, lower glutathione (GSH) and lower cortical levels. Red blood cell aggregation, an abnormal condition impairs oxygen delivery and the removal of CO2 and this alone has vast consequences for cardiovascular health.
5.Cell phones damage chromosome and caused DNA breakage, formation of micro nuclei, and therefore, development of cancer.
To shrink the silky thread of discussion, it can be said that the fastest growing Indian mobile phone industry is a huge market for both entry-level mobile phones and high-end buyers. But need of the hour is to take some valuable steps to reduce the harmful effects of cell phones on environment and the human health.
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