Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Diet Plans Lower Cholesterol - The Key to Maintain Cholesterol Levels

Having the perfect diet plan is one of the important things that you should consider in order to maintain cholesterol levels in your body.
It is a long proven fact that diet plans with lower cholesterol has a huge impact in changing ones cholesterol level.
While there are many foods that are high in cholesterol, there are still a lot that can help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body.
Cholesterol is a wax-like substance produced from the food we eat.
High amount of LDL or bad cholesterol is bad for us.
As our body produces high amounts of LDL, we're more prone to heart ailments and other nasty complications.
Of course, we don't want this to happen.
Below is the list of powerful foods that can help in reducing the amount of LDL and increasing HDL at the same time.
First of all, apples are good in slashing excess fats in the body.
Perhaps every one of us has heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" like many other fruits, apples are rich in vitamins that helps in lowering the amount of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.
At the same time, apples strengthen our immune system and protect us from sickness.
Studies proved that 12 ounces of apples juice of 2 full apples can reduce the risks of having heart ailments by 50 percent.
Considering diet plans lower cholesterol, onions are also good in reducing the amount of LDL.
At the same time, onions also help in increasing HDL levels by 25%.
Eating half raw onion could be enough to stay safe and healthy.
Garlic is present in everybody's kitchen.
Apart from its crispy and delicious taste, garlic is also good in reducing bad cholesterol in our body.
Besides, garlic also prevents clogging up arteries which lessens the risks of having heart illness.
Finally, unsaturated fats can also deliver best results.
These contain omega 3 fatty acids which are good for the heart.
Unsaturated fats can be found in peanuts, olive oil, canola oil and almond oil.
Other cholesterol lowering products include black tea, guggul, oats and nuts.
Diet plans lower cholesterol can be found in some health guides.
If in case, you have to change your diet plan, you can consult your doctor and ask for a few advices.
This is the best thing to do especially of you're taking medicines.
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