Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Is it Safe to Use Water Tank Water in Your Pool?

Drastic times call for drastic measures and with the increasing droughts throughout Australia many homeowners are opting to install a water tank.
Many areas have initiated heavy water restrictions and one of those restrictions is the disallowing of city water to top up swimming pools.
For those with a water tank that's not a problem, because there is no problem using rainwater in your pool.
It is however, important that you do not take the rainwater collected from the roof and take it straight from the gutter into the pool.
If you do this, it will almost always cause your pool to become dirty and that encourages the growth of algae, neither of which is attractive to swim in.
You need to use a water tank as a holding tank for the sediment from the roof to settle in the bottom.
That way it never reaches the pool.
You will need to top up your chlorine levels because rainwater dilutes the concentration in the pool.
Chlorine is effective against killing many bacteria and because of it's affordability it is the most common source of pool disinfectant, although there are other options such as bromine.
When you add the chlorine to your pool water it will react with organic matter and any impurities in the water.
Follow the guidelines for your pool for amounts necessary and use your swimming pool chlorine test kit to test for adequate chlorine levels.
Even in times of no drought, we are more readily recognizing that city water is in fact a waste of water if we are using it to fill the swimming pool.
A more natural course of action would be to simply use rainwater and to collect it by using some type of harvesting system, and there are many on the market.
The collection of rainwater of the roof, into a water tank is probably one of the simplest systems, and it offers other benefits as well.
You can also use the rainwater you collect in your water tank to keep your gardens and lawns in healthy condition, a luxury not afforded to many Australian families these days.
There are a couple of benefits to using rainwater in your pool, which include soft water, and water that is free of lime scale.
It will feel much nicer on the skin.
It's also going to cost you a lot less since water from the city watershed is quite expensive already and as it continues to go up in price there really is no end in site, not to mention that many areas are banning the use of their water in swimming pools.
There are many different water tanks sizes available on the market.
The most important things to consider is what your budget allows for, the maximum size tank that will fit in the area you have, and the quality of the tank you are looking at.
Remember it's very easy to install more than one water tank.
When it comes to filling swimming pools the rainwater water tank is the way of the future.
Why not get on-board now?
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