- Pebbles can escape loose-fill gravel beds around your pool for a number of reasons. If you walk through the gravel to enter and exit the pool, or to tend to plants, your shoes will track stray pebbles into the pool area and yard. Animals, including pets, can loosen pebbles and track them to other areas if they walk through the gravel. Splashing water from the pool also can dislodge pebbles.
- Loose pebbles around a pool area present several problems. If swimmers track them into the pool, they can damage the lining or filtering system, which are expensive to repair or replace. Pebbles on the deck can be uncomfortable to step on with bare feet. If you have turf grass planted nearby, loose pebbles will damage your mower blades when you cut the lawn. Removing pebbles by hand is time consuming, and it won't be long before new ones take their place.
- One of the simplest ways to prevent loose pebbles from escaping the gravel beds around your pool is to construct edging that acts as a physical barrier. Plastic landscaping ending is an inexpensive solution, while brick or rock walls are more formal, permanent and expensive solutions. Your edging may need to take the form of walls that are many inches high to keep loose pebbles in place or keep animals out of the gravel.
- If edging doesn't solve your loose pebble problem, you may want to consider replacing the gravel with a surface other than loose-fill gravel. Larger stones will be less likely to come loose and scatter, though they may cause more damage if they do. Cement provides a smooth surface that can extend your pool's deck or serve as a patio area for sitting. Pavers are another option for replacing gravel without losing the textures and colors of natural material.