Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Finding a Natural Remedy For Hardening of the Arteries - Five Natural Ideas

Hardening of the arteries is a common condition affecting millions of Americans each year, many of which have no idea they have the condition.
It is a precursor to heart attack, stroke, and a myriad of symptoms that go along with these conditions.
This condition occurs when the inner lining of the artery/arteries start to narrow due to the accumulation of fat which then becomes hardened by fibrous tissue and calcification.
As the deposit grows oxygen and blood flow are reduced to vital areas of the body including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.
Whether you are experiencing symptoms, have been diagnosed with the condition, or simply feel that hard and/or unhealthy living has placed you at risk of this disease then finding a remedy for hardening of the arteries should be one of your top priorities.
Finding a remedy for hardening of the arteries - Five natural ideas As we now know hardening of the arteries is triggered by fat deposits.
Thus taking aggressive action to reduce blood lipids (fats) and keep your heart strong are two of the cornerstones in our quest to find a remedy for hardening of the arteries.
Let's take a few minutes to explore some of the basics for doing this.
*Don't smoke: Fuming it up is a sure fire way to either trigger hardening or the arteries or accelerate its progression.
There is no doubt that if you smoke, quitting will improve your chances of reversing the condition.
Additionally, the fact that second hand smoke can be just as dangerous often goes unmentioned.
So in essence when it comes to smoke you are a product of your environment, so make yours a smoke free one.
*Get active: Inactivity is a major contributing factor for hardening of the arteries.
This is especially true as we age.
The moral here is to make sure you allocate at least 30 minutes each day to some type of physical activity.
But before you go into training for your local triathlon you should talk with your doctor to find an exercise program that is right for your particular state of wellness.
*Don't lose track of your waistline: There are a couple of different parameters as how weight equates to the risk of hardening of the arteries.
The most common is called the body mass index or BMI.
The other is simply measuring your waistline.
Men with a waistline over 40 inches and women with a waistline over 35 inches tend to be at higher risk.
Generally, as little as 20 percent over your ideal BMI can increase the risk of artery and heart disease substantially.
*Eat a heart and artery healthy diet: This is generally interpreted as eating more fruits and vegetables, keeping saturated fat from foods to under 10 percent of calories, holding total fat to under 30 percent of calories, limiting salt or sodium, and consuming foods high in soluble fiber (oat meal, oat bran).
*Considering a natural cholesterol reduction supplement: Some people feel they need a little help in removing problematic blood fats from the body before they can clog the arteries and begin to cause problems.
If this sounds like you then natural cholesterol reduction supplements could be the missing piece of the puzzle in your quest to find a comprehensive effective natural remedy for hardening of the arteries.
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