- 1). Choose the site for your arch. Decide how wide you would like the arch to be, and mark off the post placement. Using the digger, dig holes to a 30" depth and 12" width. (See Reference 1)
- 2). Place a few inches of gravel in the bottom of the holes. Place the posts in the holes, making sure that they are level. Attach the 2x4 bracing to keep the posts upright. After mixing, pour the quick-drying cement into the post holes and let dry for 24 hours. (See Reference 1)
- 3). Cut two 1x6 boards a little bit longer than the arch opening. Using the galvanized deck screws, attach one board at the top of the post, horizontally, thus creating the arch. Attach the other board on the other side of the posts. (See Reference 1)
- 4). If you wish, you may cut the 2x2 boards into even pieces and attach them across the 1x6 boards, creating a rafter effect. (See Reference 1)
- 5). Paint and decorate the arch as you desire.