- 1). Check your volume. To raise the volume on a click-wheel iPod, turn on the device and roll your finger over the wheel clockwise. Your volume indicator will appear along the bottom of your screen. If using an iPod Touch, tap the screen as a song plays and use your finger to drag the volume slider to the right.
- 2). Raise your volume limit. In addition to basic volume control, certain iPod models (namely the fifth generation iPod and iPod Nano) contain a “Volume Limit” indicator. Turn on your iPod and navigate to the main menu (keep clicking the “Menu” button until it takes you back as far as you can go), click the “Settings” option, select “Volume Limit” and slide your finger along the wheel clockwise to raise the limit.
- 3). Reset your iPod. iPod Touch users must push down the “Home” and “Sleep” keys, while click-wheel users must hold “Menu” and “Select” (the center button). Continue to hold down the appropriate buttons until the Apple logo appears on your screen, and then try playing music again.
- 4). Re-sync your iPod using the iTunes software. Connect the device to your computer using your iPod cable, wait for the “iPod” icon to appear in your iTunes window and allow the device to sync automatically. If you previously changed the iPod settings for manual sync, click the “iPod” icon and then click “Sync.” Syncing will alter your iPod library to match all of the content in your iTunes library, so you can skip this step if you wish not to tamper with your manually inserted content.
- 5). Verify your iTunes authorization. If your iPod contains music downloaded from the iTunes Store, your computer must be authorized with your Apple ID in order for iTunes to transfer playable music. Double-click any iTunes-purchased song in your iTunes library. If the song begins playing, your computer already has the correct authorization. If a dialogue box appears requesting your Apple ID and password, you must authorize your computer. Enter your Apple ID and password in the designated fields and click the “Authorize” button. Then sync your iPod again.
- 6). Restore your iPod. Click the “iPod” icon in the left column of iTunes (with your iPod connected), and click the “Restore” button to wipe the hard drive and return the device to its original, default factory settings. This will remove all of the content from your iPod and require you to re-sync, but it also can remove any viruses or defects that inhibit playback.