Health & Medical Women's Health

The Healthy Low Carb Diet For Weight Loss

Low carb diet is one of the many confusing weight loss methods. If you haven't heard it before now, it is a dietary programme which restricts the consumption of carbohydrate.

The idea behind this method is to reduce the amount of sugar that gets into the blood stream. When there's excess sugar in your body system, it causes insulin spike. Your body mechanism will then covert the surplus sugar into fat, which results in weight gain.

Reduction of sugar intake is beyond not adding it to drinks such as tea or coffee. The end product of certain foods and fruits is glucose (sugar); this is why the proponents of low carbohydrate diet gallantly support such dietary plan for weight loss.

As logical as this dietary programme sounds, it has met with severe criticism. Some people argued that the restriction of carbohydrate will lead to continuous fatigue and thus not healthy. Others said it will lead ketosis, and a number of others didn't just welcome the idea for some other health reasons.

How do you then lose weight with this kind of confusion and controversy, especially as it concerns carbohydrate? The simple way out is to opt for a healthy low carb diet.

The new diet research says that, rather than restricting the amount of carbohydrate in your diet, you should begin to eat carbs that have low glycemic index, which is been abbreviated as GI.

Glycemic Index measures the rate at which glucose (sugar) is released into your blood stream following the consumption of glucose-based foods.

The rating system is 0-55, 56-69 and 70 or greater, for low, medium and high GI foods respectively.

You must steer clear of foods such as white bread, French fries, tapioca, white pasta, cakes, as they have high glycemic index.

Brown rice, yam, wheat pasta, barley, quinoa are low in rating and so will be good staples for your carbohydrate diet. Apples, dried apricots, berries, tomatoes, lentils, pears and grapefruits, are some of the fruits and vegetables that are found to have low GI as well.

When you decide to follow a healthy low carb diet to lose weight, it is important to reduce the size of your meals per serving. Eat 5-6 times each day. Eating in this manner will boost metabolism, and it is essential for weight loss.

You also need to drink sufficient water; it plays a role in calorie burning. It will also help to break down fat and remove toxic materials from your body system.

Occasionally, treat yourself with a plain bar of dark chocolate but don't over-eat it. Create time to prepare for yourself home-made soup made up of vegetables and pulses, and spice it up with natural ingredients. Let it be devoid of additives and other fattening ingredients.

You also need to get busy with exercise few times a week. Skipping, skating, swimming, dancing and jogging are some of the exercise you can consider.

Finally, eating less and exercising more will help you lose weight while following a healthy low carb diet.
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