- Mastic gum is the sticky, resinous, yellow to white sap of the Pistacia lentiscus tree, a member of the pistachio family that grows up to 13 feet tall.
- During the summer, the trees are cut so they bleed their sap onto the ground. The gum is then collected, hand washed and left to dry in the sun.
- The European Union (EU) recognizes Chios' exclusive right to mastic gum production by granting them Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) rights.
- Mastic gum has culinary, cosmetic and medicinal uses. It is chewed as a gum; used in liquor, desserts, cheese and bread; is an ingredient in toothpaste, lotion and perfume; and is believed to possess healing powers.
- Researchers at Nottingham University tested mastic gum as a treatment for ulcers and found that if one gram is taken daily for two weeks, peptic ulcers are reduced.
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