- King Nebuchadnezzar created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his wife, Queen Amyitis, in 605 B.C., according to the Van Hage website. Modern excavations have shown that the gardens were most likely overhanging flowers and plants on roofs, terraces and balconies, rather than actual hanging baskets, according to Social Studies for Kids.
- Hanging baskets lined in moss became popular during the Victorian era, according to Van Hage. During that period, the Victorians planted flowers in ornate birdcages or Majolica pottery. Soon storefronts and lampposts were decorated with lavishly overflowing blooms.
- Garden enthusiasts today continue to experiment with different hanging vessels, plants and flowers, according to Van Hage. A balanced hanging basket should contain a combination of trailing plants and flowers and filler plants that grow upright to create a pleasing effect.
Victorian Era