- 1). Print out a standard chord chart. Many are freely available online. This will help you to learn the necessary chords for the songs you wish to play.
- 2). Print out chord charts for children's songs. These are also freely available online. You can find most songs by searching for the song's title along with the term "chords."
- 3). Practice the chords from the song you wish to play on your printed chord chart. Practice fingering the chords and strumming them before attempting the song.
- 4). Practice the chords in the correct sequence for the song, experimenting with different strumming patterns until you find one that fits the song. Chords are written above the word on which you should change, so be sure to change to that chord as you sing the word.
- 5). Practice singing and playing the song, or ask a friend to sing the melody while you practice the chords, until you are comfortable enough to sing and play at the same time.