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Illusion Mage 3D Animation Software Review

If your dream has been to be work in the entertainment industry being a animator, then you know you will need solid 3D software to begin with practicing on. The problem is that a number of of this software costs over $2500. But now the all the time guy or gal has to be able to hone their skills with an innovative software called Illusion Mage.

What is Illusion Mage

Illusion Mage is known as a 3D animation software this was created by Seth Avery. Seth is a 3D enthusiast there are enjoyed a career as a creative director. He desired to give back since life were being so good to your man. He commissioned a 3D software that has been as powerful as the instruments the pros used, but affordable that a good kid with a as a hobby job could afford the software.

Now, learning how to become 3D animator can even be a difficult process. Most software out there isn't easy to work with. Especially the lower valued titles. The creator of Illusion Mage was well receptive to this and the main goal was to make a piece of software that was simplified and produced great success. Now it is possible to generate professional looking 3D animations, game graphics, and visual models. And it won't take you months to perform either.

What Will This Software program Do For You

It is user friendly and has a ton of features concurrently. You will find the fact that interface is smooth and an easy task to adapt to. You can create 3D models, shows, your own 3D video games, and natural landscapes along with environments. More advanced tools will allow you to create complex shading, rigging, and enhanced modeling.

To learn if it's really true and understand better what acheive from the Illusion Mage program let's look at the pros and cons of that 3D animation software.

Illusion Mage Review - The advantages And Cons

The Pros

<u>Very Friendly Software That Many Features At A High Level</u>

Probably a very important thing about the program is the simplicity to do important things.

This program offers easy user interface with all the current features you would believe from professional 3D movement, including:

The ability to produce 3D models, natural places, cartoons, 3D games and likewise different tools for elaborate 3D shading, interactive 3D rigging, advanced 3D modeling and certain other things at a very high level.

<u>Very Helpful Training Resources</u>

One of stuff I personally found being very useful is the whole set of training material you will get.

When purchasing the software you may get 200 pages illustrated guide and likewise more than six hrs of intensive video tutorials to assist you to to operate this 3D animation program and to have the best results.

<u>2 Months Of Full Money-back Guarantee</u>

The Illusion Mage 3D cartoon program is backed by full money back guarantee for two months given that for any reason your not satisfied with the results of this product you may get your money back, so actually there is not any risk at all.

The Cons

<u>Some Of The Downloadable Files Are Big</u>

One thing which might be quite annoying for those who slow internet connection will be fact that a number of the files inside the customers area are pretty big and it could take some time to download ultimate package.

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