Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Rubber Band Ligation For Hemorrhoids is an Alternative to Surgery - How Does it Work?

What is rubber band ligation for hemorrhoids removal? There are a variety of treatment options for hemorrhoids.
  The first option is usually to conduct home care which includes increased water and fiber intakes to facilitate smoother bowel movements.
In addition, over the counter creams are also common in the home treatment of hemorrhoids.
  The goal with home treatments is to place as little pressure as possible on the veins of the anal cavity and to let bowel movements happen naturally.
  However, in cases where home care provides little relief or worse, the condition does not clear up, a doctor is likely to propose other helpful alternatives to hemorrhoid treatment.
  One common alternative is an effective method called Rubber Band Ligation also known as banding of hemorrhoids.
  This particular treatment option cuts off the hemorrhoid from its blood supply thereby killing it.
  Banding of hemorrhoids is a popular option to treat second degree hemorrhoids.
  The process is fairly simple and much less invasive than other surgical procedures.
  First, a patient is positioned appropriately for a proctoscope to be inserted into the anal opening.
  Then the hemorrhoid is secured and maneuvered into a ligator which is the device that ties the hemorrhoid with a rubber band.
  The band is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid.
  The ligator and proctoscope are removed and the recovery process begins.
Is this a good option? Depending on the health, age, and other pertinent circumstances of the hemorrhoids sufferer, Rubber Band Ligation may be an attractive alternative to more drastic and invasive surgical procedures.
 This treatment is relatively less painful than surgery and the recovery time is considerably shorter as well.
  Once the hemorrhoid is treated, the rubber band and the dead hemorrhoid will leave the body during normal bowel movements.
Before deciding whether this a good option, hemorrhoids sufferers must weigh the drawbacks as well.
  Rubber Band Ligation can have a number of complications.
  Pain and bleeding are common side effects of this procedure.
  In more extreme cases of complications, the band might slip out of place or break before the hemorrhoid is successfully cut off from its blood supply.
  Additional complications may include the potential of infection, anal fissures, or thrombosed hemorrhoids.
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