1 - The first rule when trying to get back with your ex is to pretend that you accept the break-up. By pretending that you're fine with the current situation you are creating some mystery because your ex assumes rightfully that it is going to take a long time for you to accept that the relationship is over. Your ex will begin to want to understand what is going on and this curiosity will trigger in your ex a new desire for you. By keeping your distances, you stand a very good chance of getting her/him back.
2 - The second point is to stay away from any needy behaviour that will make matters worse. Avoid text messaging and calling constantly since this kind of attitude may frighten your ex and a reunion can become a thing of the past. Stay silent and by doing this, the chances of your ex wondering what your feelings are will increase. This psychological anchor can do a lot in re-shaping a relationship. Your ex will want you back faster than you think if you can demonstrate a cool or even a cold attitude because the rules of the games are often the contrary of this.
3 - Be patient and do not rush things. If your ex has not given you a sign that a reunion could be on the cards at some point, avoid begging and stay calm. You should then be able to begin an approach very discreetly. Why don't you phone your ex and simply ask how he or she is? There is nothing wrong with manifesting some interest but the thing to avoid at all costs is sending a clear message that you want a reunion. This last hidden tip is your anchor to get things moving and this way are will truly be on your way to getting your ex back very soon.
2 - The second point is to stay away from any needy behaviour that will make matters worse. Avoid text messaging and calling constantly since this kind of attitude may frighten your ex and a reunion can become a thing of the past. Stay silent and by doing this, the chances of your ex wondering what your feelings are will increase. This psychological anchor can do a lot in re-shaping a relationship. Your ex will want you back faster than you think if you can demonstrate a cool or even a cold attitude because the rules of the games are often the contrary of this.
3 - Be patient and do not rush things. If your ex has not given you a sign that a reunion could be on the cards at some point, avoid begging and stay calm. You should then be able to begin an approach very discreetly. Why don't you phone your ex and simply ask how he or she is? There is nothing wrong with manifesting some interest but the thing to avoid at all costs is sending a clear message that you want a reunion. This last hidden tip is your anchor to get things moving and this way are will truly be on your way to getting your ex back very soon.