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Leave a message.Zedcor Wholly Owned/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images
Make the first move by calling your friend and attempting to speak with him on the telephone. Leave a message if an answering machine picks up or the call goes to voice mail. Express your desire to continue being friends. Stop leaving messages or calling after you have made three attempts to reach him by telephone or he tells you to stop calling, or your calls could be viewed as harassment and could lead to legal action. - 2). Ask a mutual friend to make an inquiry on your behalf to test the waters and see if your friend is open to reconciling with you. Tell the mutual friend to ask your friend if she is still mad at you, and to mention that you wish to put the argument behind you and remain friends. Get the mutual friend to receive feedback from your friend, and maybe even help arrange for the two of you to meet.
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Use social media.Burke/Triolo Productions/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Reach out to your friend through social media networks, if you are certain that he frequents such networks. Contact your friend using only private settings. Never share your attempts at make-up discussions. - 4). Send flowers or a plant to your friend with a note expressing your wishes to put the bad argument behind you. Mention that you are sorry and ask for forgiveness, if the situation calls for it. State that you value the friendship, and express how meaningful your friend is to you.
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Speak of the future.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Speak to your friend in a kind tone and do not make excuses or try to justify your end of the argument that caused the rift. Talk about some of the good times you had together, and mention that you hope to have more good times as friends in the future. Give your friend some time to think over your proposal to remain friends. If she wishes to remain friends, offer to take her out to lunch or dinner to celebrate.