Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Be Prepared With a First Aid Kit for Pets

Many of us have encountered stories about pets that have saved lives. But what about humans helping to save the life of a pet in case of an emergency? It is important to keep a first aid kit for your pet easily accessible both at home and in your car.

If you gather up all the necessary items ahead of time, and pack them in a convenient emergency kit or plastic bag, it could help save your pet's life. Look for a durable water-resistant container that is large enough to hold all the emergency care items mentioned below, including a blanket, bandage materials like gauze pads, cotton, and adhesive tape. It is a good idea top keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and anti-bacterial ointment in the kit. Your kit should include: muzzles, hydrogen peroxides, cotton swabs, masking or adhesive tape, antibacterial ointment, eyebrow tweezers, gauze pads and wrap, medicine or eye droppers to clean wounds or dispense medicines, a pair of scissors, forceps Kaeopectate diarrhea medication, and Ipecac to induce vomiting in case of poisoned. You might also keep some activated charcoal at any for poisoning or intestinal upset, and blankets to keep your pet warm in extreme conditions. And do not forget your veterinarian's name or number and the telephone number of an emergency veterinary hospital nearby.

A vacation with your pet calls for a little research on the town of your destination to see if there are any dangers. This might include snakes, poisonous plants, and it is a good idea to check the weather to make sure there won't be extreme conditions.

Prevention is the goal, however should your pet be involved in an accident and killed, you and your family should be prepared. You and your family need to have a plan for burial.

Growing in popularity worldwide, pet memorial companies are giving people many more creative ways to preserve the memories of their pets. Every state has their won laws on pet cremation services which are usually offered through your veterinary clinic. The costs depend on the pet's size and are usually between $75 and $350.

Should your family choose to receive the pet ashes back from the crematorium, they must decide on private burial of the ashes outdoors, preservation of all or some of the ashes for an indoor urn, or the popular option of using a portion of the ashes to spread outdoors.

You may decide to choose a custom pet keepsake memorial box that is crafted to sit on a table, to hang on a wall or be kept in a special place on a mantle. There are also unique and artistic pet cremation urns, or engraved stone pet memorials and pet grave markers.

A number of websites are especially for grieving support, such as, who hosts a spot to create virtual pet memorials online to share with family and friends, including written tributes and photographs that honor their pet's memory in the. The most important thing to remember is to share memories of your pet with elegance and grace.

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