Nearly eighty percent of all pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. It strikes before the sixth week of pregnancy usually lasting till the sixteenth week. It is also fairly common for women to witness different symptoms. Listed below are some of the common symptoms.
Although not every pregnant woman may suffer from it, majority of them are likely to experience nausea and queasiness and have to battle for keeping down liquid and food levels in the body. While nobody knows for sure what triggers nausea, most physicians agree that hormonal changes during pregnancy is the main cause. Besides, women with a history of migraine or travel sickness are more susceptible to bouts of nausea. Most pregnant women also suffer from acid reflux or heartburn which is a result of higher acid levels in the body due to the hormone changes.
In some women vomiting seems to persist throughout the day. A symptom of continuous vomiting could indicate that the victim might be suffering from an unusual condition known as hypermesis gravidarum. Such conditions can be treated by instant hospitalization. However, this is a severe form of morning sickness and occurs in less than one in 250 pregnancies. Continuous vomiting could lead to dehydration and weight loss. It is usually accompanied by dryness of tongue and lips, rapid breathing and increase heartbeat.
Cravings for food
This is direct fallout of vomiting as your stomach runs empty. Pregnant women feel hungry all throughout the day and it is advisable to eat small quantities of food rather than heavy meals.
Heightened sense of smell
Pregnant women usually develop a sharp sense of smell. Many even develop an increased sense of taste. Many women find the smells to be repugnant.
Headaches and cramps
A large number of women complain about muscle cramps and headaches during the initial days of pregnancy which are nothing but morning sickness symptoms. Other indicators include constipation, darkening of the areola, excessive salivation, sleep deprivation, exhaustion, frequent urination and swollen breasts.
It is commonly believed that morning sickness usually results in healthy babies. However, if you do not experience it, enjoy and pamper yourself during the first few months of your pregnancy.
Although not every pregnant woman may suffer from it, majority of them are likely to experience nausea and queasiness and have to battle for keeping down liquid and food levels in the body. While nobody knows for sure what triggers nausea, most physicians agree that hormonal changes during pregnancy is the main cause. Besides, women with a history of migraine or travel sickness are more susceptible to bouts of nausea. Most pregnant women also suffer from acid reflux or heartburn which is a result of higher acid levels in the body due to the hormone changes.
In some women vomiting seems to persist throughout the day. A symptom of continuous vomiting could indicate that the victim might be suffering from an unusual condition known as hypermesis gravidarum. Such conditions can be treated by instant hospitalization. However, this is a severe form of morning sickness and occurs in less than one in 250 pregnancies. Continuous vomiting could lead to dehydration and weight loss. It is usually accompanied by dryness of tongue and lips, rapid breathing and increase heartbeat.
Cravings for food
This is direct fallout of vomiting as your stomach runs empty. Pregnant women feel hungry all throughout the day and it is advisable to eat small quantities of food rather than heavy meals.
Heightened sense of smell
Pregnant women usually develop a sharp sense of smell. Many even develop an increased sense of taste. Many women find the smells to be repugnant.
Headaches and cramps
A large number of women complain about muscle cramps and headaches during the initial days of pregnancy which are nothing but morning sickness symptoms. Other indicators include constipation, darkening of the areola, excessive salivation, sleep deprivation, exhaustion, frequent urination and swollen breasts.
It is commonly believed that morning sickness usually results in healthy babies. However, if you do not experience it, enjoy and pamper yourself during the first few months of your pregnancy.