Most network marketers have experienced the process of alienated friends, relatives and co-workers.
In an attempt to share the excitement of their new business venture many feelings of rejection have been experienced.
Well, you simply don't have to experience these feelings as long as you use the correct strategies to build your business.
Unfortunately, this is where I think our industry is splitting up.
Some network marketing gurus would have you believe that you can still utilize the approach, present, and close techniques in order to build your business.
I will tell you that these strategies still work, HOWEVER, there is much frustration and rejection built into these techniques because in today's world people don't like to be bothered.
Think about that for a moment.
How many calls do you get at home asking you to complete a survey, buy a stock, or some other inane offer.
After a while we all get conditioned to answer the phone and instead of saying hello, we say no thanks, click! Other network marketing gurus have gotten smart, real smart.
They have produced fancy DVD's explaining all the positives about network marketing.
All you have to do is purchase a ten pack at $49.
99 plus shipping and handling and you too, can have the next best product to explode your business to incredible levels! Other gurus have gotten even smarter.
Advertise all over the internet and get anyone who is looking to make a buck furnish their name and email address, and presto..
lead generation lists for sale.
I love the marketing ploys that are used.
REAL TIME names.
Get these names the INSTANT they ask for information.
Jump on those puppies before they have a chance to change their minds.
It only cost $4 per name or more! Or how about Semi exclusive names..
They promise that the name will never be sold to anyone else in your specific MLM..
That's great isn't it, until you realize that there are well over a thousand MLM's in existence right now.
I have had the unfortunate experience of calling a few of these leads...
and then hearing this...
PLEASE STOP!" So much for great leads.
Will some of these leads actually work.
Of course some do, but certainly not a large enough amount to warrant making the lead generation companies rich, that is for sure.
So what are your options..
Simple, if you don't want to approach your warm market and don't want to approach your cold market, learn how to set up a system that has prospects contacting you instead.
What would be the benefit of that...
No rejection- they are contacting you because they want what you have.
No frustration 3.
No embarrassment or fear of "having to make the call"! 4.
You are the expert 5.
Automate the system and watch your business explode! Make sure you follow the link below...
You're About To Learn Secrets That Most Network Marketers Will Never Know About Using The Internet To Create Lifelong Financial Independence.
In an attempt to share the excitement of their new business venture many feelings of rejection have been experienced.
Well, you simply don't have to experience these feelings as long as you use the correct strategies to build your business.
Unfortunately, this is where I think our industry is splitting up.
Some network marketing gurus would have you believe that you can still utilize the approach, present, and close techniques in order to build your business.
I will tell you that these strategies still work, HOWEVER, there is much frustration and rejection built into these techniques because in today's world people don't like to be bothered.
Think about that for a moment.
How many calls do you get at home asking you to complete a survey, buy a stock, or some other inane offer.
After a while we all get conditioned to answer the phone and instead of saying hello, we say no thanks, click! Other network marketing gurus have gotten smart, real smart.
They have produced fancy DVD's explaining all the positives about network marketing.
All you have to do is purchase a ten pack at $49.
99 plus shipping and handling and you too, can have the next best product to explode your business to incredible levels! Other gurus have gotten even smarter.
Advertise all over the internet and get anyone who is looking to make a buck furnish their name and email address, and presto..
lead generation lists for sale.
I love the marketing ploys that are used.
REAL TIME names.
Get these names the INSTANT they ask for information.
Jump on those puppies before they have a chance to change their minds.
It only cost $4 per name or more! Or how about Semi exclusive names..
They promise that the name will never be sold to anyone else in your specific MLM..
That's great isn't it, until you realize that there are well over a thousand MLM's in existence right now.
I have had the unfortunate experience of calling a few of these leads...
and then hearing this...
PLEASE STOP!" So much for great leads.
Will some of these leads actually work.
Of course some do, but certainly not a large enough amount to warrant making the lead generation companies rich, that is for sure.
So what are your options..
Simple, if you don't want to approach your warm market and don't want to approach your cold market, learn how to set up a system that has prospects contacting you instead.
What would be the benefit of that...
No rejection- they are contacting you because they want what you have.
No frustration 3.
No embarrassment or fear of "having to make the call"! 4.
You are the expert 5.
Automate the system and watch your business explode! Make sure you follow the link below...
You're About To Learn Secrets That Most Network Marketers Will Never Know About Using The Internet To Create Lifelong Financial Independence.