Vestibular migraine is a migraine type that focuses on the aura zone that visual disturbance predominate.
It isn't actual normal headache.
How do I know I have a vestibular migraine? I have no headache and no pain.
Vestibular migraine is a migraine without a headache as it is distorting sight images.
This distortion begins in the image center after that it moves to only one side.
This migraine affects only one of your eyes at a time.
You may loss the sight temporarily.
The images may turn grey or wavy.
Scientists differ in understanding this migraine.
Some say it is seen as you get older.
Others say it occurs in young adult.
Doctors differ in knowing the migraine symptoms.
Some refer to one side blind spots or the blindness that lasts less than an hour and may be associated with headache pain.
Losing the sight may be frightening.
Other explain the visual disturbance migraine without a headache.
Vestibular migraine symptoms: There are many specific signs or symptoms of this migraine such as: 1- Your eye sees images as though looking through a window with rain streaming 2- You see every thing as though hidden behind a black shade, when you are looking through the affected eye.
3- Holes of the vision You see holes in the vision filed.
Perhaps you are looking at a rose, and the center of the rose is missing! Or you are watching television, and you see the screen outside and you cannot see the center of the picture.
There is a spot in the effected eye and when you close the unaffected eye you may see the portion of the picture.
It isn't actual normal headache.
How do I know I have a vestibular migraine? I have no headache and no pain.
Vestibular migraine is a migraine without a headache as it is distorting sight images.
This distortion begins in the image center after that it moves to only one side.
This migraine affects only one of your eyes at a time.
You may loss the sight temporarily.
The images may turn grey or wavy.
Scientists differ in understanding this migraine.
Some say it is seen as you get older.
Others say it occurs in young adult.
Doctors differ in knowing the migraine symptoms.
Some refer to one side blind spots or the blindness that lasts less than an hour and may be associated with headache pain.
Losing the sight may be frightening.
Other explain the visual disturbance migraine without a headache.
Vestibular migraine symptoms: There are many specific signs or symptoms of this migraine such as: 1- Your eye sees images as though looking through a window with rain streaming 2- You see every thing as though hidden behind a black shade, when you are looking through the affected eye.
3- Holes of the vision You see holes in the vision filed.
Perhaps you are looking at a rose, and the center of the rose is missing! Or you are watching television, and you see the screen outside and you cannot see the center of the picture.
There is a spot in the effected eye and when you close the unaffected eye you may see the portion of the picture.