- 1). Close any windows that are open, exit out of any running programs (including IE7), and click the "Start" button. In the small box labeled "Search programs and files" type "%Temp%" (without quotes).
- 2). Click the folder named "Temp" that comes up in the menu above the search box. Click on the "New Folder" button in the menu bar above the list of folders in the window that opens.
- 3). Rename the folder that you have just created by typing "Low" (without quotes) into your keyboard and pressing "Enter" once complete. Close this Window and attempt to print a web page in IE7. If the issue is not resolved, continue to the next step.
- 4). Close IE7 and any other open windows or programs. Click the "Start" button and click on "All Programs" in the pop-up "Start" menu. Select "Accessories" from the list of folders and right click on the "Command Prompt" icon.
- 5). Click the button labeled "Run as administrator" at the bottom of the menu that comes up. Select "Yes" in the caution box that populates on your screen to open the "Command Prompt" window.
- 6). Type "ICACLS "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low" /setintegritylevel (OI)(CI)low" (without quotes) into the first line of the "Command Prompt" window and hit "Enter" on your keyboard. The command will run and close the "Command Prompt" screen. Reboot your computer after the window closes.
- 7). Open IE7 from your desktop after the computer has restarted. Turn on your printer and test to make sure that the problem has been corrected by printing a web page in IE7.