- 1). Open your WordPress administrative area found by typing in "http://YourWebsite.com/wp-admin."
- 2). Login to your WordPress administrative area using the username and password you designated for your WordPress installation.
- 3). Select "Editor" under the heading "Appearance" in the left sidebar of the administrative area.
- 4). Choose "Stylesheet" under the heading "Styles" in the right sidebar of the "Editor" area.
- 5). Find all the styles labeled as "H1" within the CSS code presented.
- 6). Add the following code within the "H1" style -- or add the entire code style if there aren't any instances of the H1 tag in the stylesheet -- h1 {font-size: 0px}
- 7). Change the font size. In the provided code, change the number "0" to the font size desired within the "H1" tags.
- 8). Click "Update File" under the editing box to save your "H1" tag style changes.