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Sugar Daddie Dating Top 10 Dating Tips For Women

Reminders are a good way to keep one's mind sharp and in-tuned. And this is exactly what this article is about. Hey, even the most experienced member in Dating Internet Service needs to be reminded every now and then, right? Read on for some do's and don'ts in Sugardaddie dating.There might be some tips that are too common and simple for you, however, a little reminder now and then doesn't hurt, right.Follow these 10 do's and don'ts in Sugar Daddie dating:1. Do Write in Formal Language. Always think of writing a letter when writing an email. Make sure that your Sugar Daddie match feels that you value them by keeping your grammar, punctuation, and phrasing correct. That way, the other person would see the effort that you made. And believe me, it won't go unappreciated.2. Do Not Write in Instant Message or text speak. Seriously, if the person sends you a message saying, "I Rily Lyk U!!!!... How R U Doing 2Day?" then erase the message and never look back on that user. Why? If he did not even spend the time to send you an email message with the proper grammar, spelling, and English, then that person isn't worth your time either.3. Do Write Emails. Emails are the communication ice-breakers,. In this day and age it's fine for a woman to send the first email.4. Do Not Send winks. Oh yeah, this is one way to show that you are interested, but aren't interested enough to actually make an email and send it to them. Another message that it might send is that "I really like you, but I'm too shy, so here's a wink."5. Do Remember to Turn on the Spell Checker. The truth is, people appreciate those that make an effort in writing an email. Always, spell check your emails to give off the good impression.6. Do Not Turn on the CAPS LOCK. Ever, Seriously. Words in all caps mean that you are SHOUTING them because that's the equivalent in the online dating world. Do not use the CAPS LOCK keys.7. Update your status and your profile. Keep your photos updated, don't use one that you had 2 or more years ago. Keep everything recent in your profile, like your interests and hobbies, you never know this might just make you click with your millionaire match.8. Do Not Be a Stalker. Keep your email short and sweet to keep the other party interested. It's nice to state one of the things that made you interested in your prospect ideal match, but you would really come off as a stalker if you say things like, "We have this, this, and this in common! You really should meet me right now and meet my family right away! They'll love you like I do!" Keep the psycho-stalker attitude down.9. Do be Courteous and Polite. Answer emails from people that send you one, even those that don't interest you. You may say, "Thanks for emailing me, it was nice of you, but I don't think we are compatible. Good luck in finding your match!". In this way, you keep being nice without compromising your quality. Besides, not getting a reply after you slaved over an email really hurt, right? By doing this, you would save the other person from being hurt too.10. Do Not be Sexually-Suggestive. So never, ever type the word "sex" in your emails because that will make sure that you receive the professional dating equivalent of a slap: hitting the block sender button. Nor should you comment on body parts, other than the eyes, hair and the great smiles.
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