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A New Paradigm in Marketing Methods

Over the past few years, many marketers on the Internet have made fortunes and built tremendous followings by exploiting a very traditional marketing model.
It's called the "Marketing Funnel" and it involves acquiring leads or prospects by strategically placing ads on Google using certain keywords or by advertising their topic (regardless of their experience or knowledge) by way of banner ads and email campaigns.
I will call this the "Direct Mail Model" and it has been used successfully over the years bay any number of companies to flood your mailbox with various postcards, brochures, letters, etc.
in hopes that someone in your household will find the offer appealing and will respond to it accordingly.
Pioneered by Sears, Roebuck & Co.
, Montgomery Ward, and J.
Penney, this model is successful if 2-4% of those solicitations result in a prospect taking the desired action.
Many Internet Marketers use a very similar approach by using certain keywords in placing ads on Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines.
They know, for example, that from 2-5% of those who see their ad will respond and that the money paid for the ad (by the click of your mouse!) will be less than the sales revenue derived from all of the prospects responding.
This model continues to work and is used quite effectively by hundreds of thousands of companies to market everything from vitamins to water to travel packages to books.
Lately, though, there have been many unscrupulous marketers who use this technique to sell many items of little or no value for extremely high prices.
Those who have been burned by such scams are the victims.
They have no recourse and will never again see their money.
It is so easy to establish a marketing campaign on the Internet to sell anything that an Internet surfer really must be cautious about what they buy! A much more professional and highly ethical model for Internet Marketing is called "Attraction Marketing".
In this model, a person is first drawn to dialogue with a marketer because of their experience, skills, and knowledge in a subject area.
As the dialogue continues, the marketer's value gets richer through the exchange of valuable information.
With such credibility and trust having thus been earned, the marketer finds a healthy base of prospects eager for more of their products and services.
As people tire of their traditional methods of dealing with internet information, social media programs have recently enjoyed tremendous growth and acceptance.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Squidoo, and other social media have grown exponentially as people seek to establish 'relationships' rather than the impersonal computer-to-computer internet activities of the past.
Attraction Marketing will create a whole new marketing media, both online and offline.
As newspapers struggle to stay in business and as television advertising becomes increasingly diluted by virtue of the number of channels, TIVO, and VDR's, the more traditional marketing methods will be running on hard times.
Educated consumers want to know and respect the people they buy from and thus depend increasingly on those who have established credibility through their experience in the field.
To be successful in Attraction Marketing, a person or company must first demonstrate their experience and knowledge of the subject matter.
This will increase the value of the experience that you have in the marketplace.
Why not begin today to take stock of your experience, skills, and knowledge in a narrowly defined niche? If you do, you will likely find a following of people interested in learning from you! With such a following, your future can be assured!
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