- 1). Teach your child about Pi. Pi is the number that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi is typically rounded to 3.14.
- 2). Show your child how to measure the radius of a circle. The radius is the distance from any side of the circle to the center of the circle, and is half the diameter.
- 3). Teach your child that to find the area of a circle, you must multiple the square of the radius of the circle by Pi. Tell your child to envision that a cylinder is simply a bunch of circles stacked up on one another, and that to get the volume of a cylinder he will have to add the volume of all those circles together.
- 4). Show her that this means that Pi times the radius squared (which is the area for a circle) times the height will give her the volume of the cylinder.
- 5). Have her practice by measuring the radius and height of a can of soda and calculating the volume.