How do I go about getting a flat sexy tummy, you may ask? A lot of people spend a lot of time with this goal in mind and never ever achieve their desired results.
This is because they are focusing on the wrong exercises.
How may sit ups have you done and you still don't have that flat, sexy tummy? Here's the story.
You can do as many sit ups as you want and your abdomen muscles will get firm.
However, they will remain obscured by your body fat if you don't reduce it to below 10% for men and 16% for women.
And, here's the secret, you can't spot reduce fat.
This is why sit ups are not going to help you achieve that flat, sexy tummy you so desperately desire.
The way to reduce your body fat is to build muscle and increase your resting metabolism rate.
The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.
So, what exercises should you do to build muscle and increase your metabolism? The best ones are as follows: bench press, military press, dead lifts, squats, clean and jerk and sprints.
Sprints? Yes, sprints.
The thing that all these exercises have in common is that they put the body into a state of shock because of the increased energy they require.
One of the ways the body responds is by increasing your resting rate of metabolism.
This means that, even while you are sleeping, you will be burning more calories
This is because they are focusing on the wrong exercises.
How may sit ups have you done and you still don't have that flat, sexy tummy? Here's the story.
You can do as many sit ups as you want and your abdomen muscles will get firm.
However, they will remain obscured by your body fat if you don't reduce it to below 10% for men and 16% for women.
And, here's the secret, you can't spot reduce fat.
This is why sit ups are not going to help you achieve that flat, sexy tummy you so desperately desire.
The way to reduce your body fat is to build muscle and increase your resting metabolism rate.
The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.
So, what exercises should you do to build muscle and increase your metabolism? The best ones are as follows: bench press, military press, dead lifts, squats, clean and jerk and sprints.
Sprints? Yes, sprints.
The thing that all these exercises have in common is that they put the body into a state of shock because of the increased energy they require.
One of the ways the body responds is by increasing your resting rate of metabolism.
This means that, even while you are sleeping, you will be burning more calories