Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

People Are More Conservative Around Here - Wait, What?

People are the same everywhere you go, they all have physical bodies with physical up-keep and they seek help in areas of nutrition and fitness in some way, shape or form when they need the help.
Conservative they say, as an excuse for meaning that a massage business or energy worker business or holistic nutrition service or almost any body oriented therapy is a farce outside of the medical choices or their social, family or religious beliefs.
I am conservative and I get body work.
I am one of the biggest prudes out there when it comes to my body.
I have been a body worker for 22 years and that doesn't make me less conservative with my body! That is simply a choice.
I say Ignorant.
Yes, many people are ignorant to their bodies' needs and call it conservative.
Well the body doesn't work on ignorant terms; which suits that description better.
That just leads to illness and disease, or aging symptoms and then it's usually a bee line to a medical office; and rightfully so by that point.
I think people may be considered conservative with getting proper health support and advice.
It can be a slow process to find the right ones for you, but it is not a luxury and I agree that more people should have easier access to these services and advice, which many practitioners are working on doing within the alternative health field.
I have been a body worker since 1988 and I have been practicing energy work since 2000.
With all of my training in this field, I took the conservative, slow path on and learned each modality I had ever taken on for whatever reason thoroughly with groundedness and conservativeness! I remember it taking me 12 years to try any kind of energy work.
Reiki was my first experience and I took it because it was part of a course that I was taking and I needed the credits.
At the end of the workshop I said, "You want me to do what?" I had been working as a massage therapist with advanced therapeutic training and certifications in personal training and they wanted me to stand there perfectly still and hold my hands in one place and move to another and another about every few minutes? What was this? But for some reason I believed that it did work and I allowed myself to remain open and watch the results which were very good and saved my body from more physical work! There are people who consider themselves conservative by their religion and yet will they will seek the advice of a psychic or lean on the teachings of a profit or guru that brought us wisdom through divine channeling.
Where do we draw the line? Prayer is accepted everywhere and yet energy work is based on the same principles whether through a one-on-one session with an individual or towards a group while channeling pure love and thoughts with a focus on healing; no different than prayer.
Just different focuses but all asking for assistance with a loved one that is near or at a distance.
Definition of Conservative: con-serv-a-tive, (kuh n-sur-vuh-tiv), -adjective 1.
disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc.
, or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
often pertaining to the conservative party.
pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.
having the power or tendency to conserve; preserve.
a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
a supporter of conservative political policies.
a member of a conservative political party, esp.
the conservative party in Great Britain.
a preservative.
There are conservative people everywhere you go and there are non-conservative people everywhere as well, and many in-between.
To take your time with something and not write it off completely, with the understanding that others may feel differently may be a healthy explanation of conservative.
Being afraid is being afraid, being intimidated is being intimidated, being unsure is being unsure.
Non- of these are conservative in a true sense.
They are what they are and should be understood in that way.
So I believe we all speak for ourselves.
If we believe in alternative health options that may include massage therapy as well, then you will have friends that feel the same way and you will know that there are those who agree and those who don't.
The 'conservative ones' are the ones who haven't tried, have had a bad experience or are not feeling comfortable in some way shape or form.
There are those who would say, no one in my family has ever tried that or my religion is against that or I wouldn't know where to start.
Those are better words.
In my experience, those who had put massage off for years and years in spite of neck and back pain and discomfort, when introduced in a safe and professional way have wondered what they had been waiting for.
Maybe some have tried alternative therapy and it hadn't worked for them, well perhaps it wasn't the right kind of therapy or the right therapist for them.
This is a way that alternative therapies can get grouped as a 'didn't work' category and the word spreads, yet anyone knows that if you go to a doctor and he doesn't help you, you are going to look for another doctor.
After some time of searching you may seek out alternative therapies.
That is how many get onto the natural path again and at times out of sheer desperation.
Many alternative therapies, are still, not very well regulated.
It may be a research project to find the right type and therapist(s) for you.
Word of mouth and free consultations are still the best way to go.
Most of all, following your gut feeling when you approach something new is always your best guide.
With a quickly changing and ever expanding world, we need to remain open to new ways a step at a time, but we do need to move forward.
We are not the same as a people that we were only 100 years ago.
Many things have changed.
The funny thing is that only that long ago, massage, herbs and natural alternatives were not only available but respected and cherished by family traditions.
What happened? We got off track somewhere along the ride, perhaps when families became more broken with the industrial age.
We can go back to the natural, less invasive ways.
We can remember that our bodies are natural healing machines and give our children the choice of another way to approach life.
Life is meant to bring you joy and happiness.
The body is meant to feel good and most of us are not too far off track to be able to turn that around to many more enjoyable, good feeling years ahead of us.
Don't let 'conservative' keep you from trying to find the best ways for you and don't let your friends hold you back from being the best that you can be on any level.
They may not be there when you are down and you may not be able to be there when they are down for a long time with an illness.
We all have to approach our lives as a golden opportunity to play and have fun and to be up more than down.
To remain self sufficient with the energy we need to take us to where we want to go, all the while feeling good in our bodies and in our minds.
So if you think you are 'conservative' when it comes to alternative health avenues when you are not feeling at your peek, could you not find another word for that; Suspicious, uncertain, afraid? Conservative is a healthy way to be and with any new stage in life like a new job, a new family member, a new relationship, a new home, we need to embrace these opportunities and make clear choices on what works for us and what doesn't for now while remaining open for that to change with time and fresh choices.
Read the above definition again.
Number one actually could be said to agree with the older ways of natural healing which we have lost.
It was the medicine man and the old wise woman or your grandmother before it was a stranger that you trusted to help you to regain your health, vigor and happiness.
Haven't you ever held on to a value or a belief you carried for a long time just to find one day, painfully, that it was no longer serving you and you needed or decided to make another choice.
The choice was correct and perhaps you don't even think about that old belief much anymore or simply relish the day you left it behind.
Do the above definitions make you feel all warm and cozy inside? Yes, we like our traditions and some organizations would fall apart without true conservativeness, but when you neglect your body's signals out of fear of new choices and so on, you are taking the chance of breaking down the strongest most powerful, most rewarding organization of all, your body, your mind, your life choices, your joy.
So I believe no matter where I go or choose to share my work, if you mention business might be a little slow or simply having a slow start, those that are not knowledgeable of your alternative services may comment that people are more conservative around here.
And if they are aware of alternative health choices and use them they may say, the economy may be affecting that or there are better places to advertise for what you do.
They will understand and agree that there are a plethora of people looking for good alternatives that know a more natural way would be the best choice for them.
There are still more people that have not had a massage in the united states then have had one as they may be overwhelmed by the choices or may not understand it's huge health benefits.
And nutritional alternatives seem to come from commercials and magazines without taking one's individuality and lifestyle into account.
So I ask you to think preservative instead of conservative the next time you may want to find a more natural way to keep your body in great shape for many years to come.
Pain is not normal, it shouldn't be covered up.
You are not 'Normal', you are UNIQUE and should be approached and appreciated that way.
If you don't like a treatment, remember how it felt when you walked into the office, your feelings may have told you to leave and you ignored them or that particular therapy may not be what would work for you at this time.
It may also take a few sessions to bring balance back to your body since it may have been unbalanced for a while.
Don't be too quick to put it into the 'that doesn't work' group.
Trust your feelings.
Keep looking.
If you truly want to be healthy and happy you will find the right path for you.
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