Forcing the Fumble
In order to win football games you need to have possession of the football. Win your games by training your defense to use a strong tackle that strips the ball from the opponent. This drill practices with two players. Have the defender move up on the offensive player, trust his arms back and then forward with his fists clenched. The defender will practice stripping the ball by bringing his hands up quickly with a clenched fist to grab the opponent and as he does so to aim to knock out the football. Start the drill slowly, and reward for a strong tackle that affectively tackles and makes an attack to dislodge the offensive players grip on the ball.
Running will increase performance
Endurance is the name of the game when it comes to football, and running will help you endurance grow. Though dull and sometimes boring, these running drills will help you play your hardest until the end of the game. Though running drills can be a big help to your game, many people complain the most about the running. Whether you are tired, exhausted, and ready to throw up, if you keep running your added strength will help you win games. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life
Conditioning: The Quick Jump
Conditioning in football is meant to help you react quickly on the field moving in a variety of directions. The point to this drill is having players practice quick directional changes on the field. Start out by placing the player on any crossing lined area on the field, anything like a small for square area. The drill starts by having a player stand in one area or box, and has them jump diagonally, laterally, frontwards, and backwards from one area to another. Changes can be made so that the player will only use one foot and then the other while they run the drill.
Open field tactics: covering ground with angle tackles
It is a great idea to practice angle tackles with your defense because not all tackles are made with the opponent right in front of you. Set up a simple drill with two players, on as the offense with the ball running in a straight line, the other as the defender running towards him at some angle. As the defender he will need to adjust his body to cover the shortest distance towards the ball carrier, and make the stop by placing his foot squarely in front, and remembers for safety to put his head in front of the ball carrier. The tackle is completed as the defender wraps his hands tightly around the opponent, straightens his hips and pushes the opponent to the ground or off sides.
In order to win football games you need to have possession of the football. Win your games by training your defense to use a strong tackle that strips the ball from the opponent. This drill practices with two players. Have the defender move up on the offensive player, trust his arms back and then forward with his fists clenched. The defender will practice stripping the ball by bringing his hands up quickly with a clenched fist to grab the opponent and as he does so to aim to knock out the football. Start the drill slowly, and reward for a strong tackle that affectively tackles and makes an attack to dislodge the offensive players grip on the ball.
Running will increase performance
Endurance is the name of the game when it comes to football, and running will help you endurance grow. Though dull and sometimes boring, these running drills will help you play your hardest until the end of the game. Though running drills can be a big help to your game, many people complain the most about the running. Whether you are tired, exhausted, and ready to throw up, if you keep running your added strength will help you win games. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life
Conditioning: The Quick Jump
Conditioning in football is meant to help you react quickly on the field moving in a variety of directions. The point to this drill is having players practice quick directional changes on the field. Start out by placing the player on any crossing lined area on the field, anything like a small for square area. The drill starts by having a player stand in one area or box, and has them jump diagonally, laterally, frontwards, and backwards from one area to another. Changes can be made so that the player will only use one foot and then the other while they run the drill.
Open field tactics: covering ground with angle tackles
It is a great idea to practice angle tackles with your defense because not all tackles are made with the opponent right in front of you. Set up a simple drill with two players, on as the offense with the ball running in a straight line, the other as the defender running towards him at some angle. As the defender he will need to adjust his body to cover the shortest distance towards the ball carrier, and make the stop by placing his foot squarely in front, and remembers for safety to put his head in front of the ball carrier. The tackle is completed as the defender wraps his hands tightly around the opponent, straightens his hips and pushes the opponent to the ground or off sides.